There are people who are disciplined and there are who are not. What is the difference between these two sets of people? The first set of people lead an orderly, healthy and peaceful life, prepared for the ups and downs, not upset with the lows, and make others feel comfortable in their company.
One of my clients got a call from her mother when we were seriously building her portfolio. I inquired after seeing her panicky reaction. Her mother wanted my client’s son to be removed from a school immediately because there is an accident happened in the swimming pool.
It is said that all that glitters is not gold. Yes, that is true, but even gold with all its glitters is of no use when kept idle. The Gold Monetization Scheme, as introduced by the government of India, aims to monetize gold so that it earns interest.
In our lives we come across different sets of “dos-and-don’ts” for different situations. A closer examination of such rules reveals that these simple lists are actually a storehouse of wisdom. In the world of finance too, there are certain such set of rules, which can do a lot of good for us.
There are some important factors to consider when investing in property. If these factors are considered when investing in property, it will help increase the capital appreciation and rental income from the property. So pay proper attention to these primary factors to consider when investing in property.
It happens to many of us. Perhaps it does not happen universally, but, deep in our heart we know that this syndrome is a reality. There is a task at hand or perhaps a hard decision is demanded by the situation, the odds for the success of the job or decision ranges from mildly favorable to unfavorable; often in such situations we are tempted to call quits.
Today we are flooded with a lot of information, much of it is useless since it does not meet our investment needs. Whatever is relevant, may not always be comprehensible, so we are unable to derive benefit out of it.
I kept a sizable emergency reserve in liquid funds; I didn’t have any emergency situation for 3 years. The liquid fund where I kept the sizable emergency fund was not giving me good returns. So I invested that money in a small property. Now I have an emergency and the property is not easily liquidable.
It needs a perfect recipe for a dish to taste good and the best cut will give the suit the right fit. It is no different for investments, the correct mix of investment options goes on to create the coveted portfolio which optimizes returns and minimizes risk.
All investors would be keen to have answers to these questions so that they scale the pinnacle of success through their most profitable and the best long term stock market investment strategy. Well, bargain per se, is the process of understanding the difference between the price and the value of a product.