Discover the step-by-step process for public inspection under the Companies Act, 2013. Learn how to access and view public documents of registered companies or LLPs on the MCA Portal.
Introduction External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) are the borrowings taken by an eligible entity in India for commercial purpose from any recognized entity outside India. As funding by the companies through debt has been traditionally been a preferred mode of funding due to inherent advantages such as security creation, minimum guaranteed returns, and tax optimization for […]
CSR Policy Amendment Rules 2021 And CSR Amendments in Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 INTRODUCTION The Ministry had set up a High-Level Committee on CSR in 2018 chaired by then Secretary, Corporate Affairs Injeti Srinivas for amending the law aimed to strengthen the Corporate Social Responsibility ecosystem, by improving and strengthening disclosures and by simplifying compliances. […]
The winding up of a company is the last stage of a companies’ existence. It is the process by which the company is put to an end i.e. the process through which its corporate existence comes to an end, and it is finally dissolved. As per section 270 of the Companies Act, 2013 a company […]
Article explains What is a Branch Office, What are the benefits of opening the Branch Office, Why Branch Office is not used as a preferred mode by foreign entities for setting up in India, What are the compliances of the Branch Office and Can a Branch Office can be converted into wholly owned subsidiary company? […]