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Direct Investments Outside India

July 15, 2012 2342 Views 0 comment Print

(1) Overseas investments in Joint Ventures (JV) and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) have been recognised as important avenues for promoting global business by Indian entrepreneurs. Joint Ventures are perceived as a medium of economic and business co-operation between India and other countries. Transfer of technology and skill, sharing of results of R&D, access to wider global market, promotion of brand image, generation of employment and utilisation of raw materials available in India and in the host country are other significant benefits arising out of such overseas investments.

Reporting Guidelines for Foreign Investments in India

July 8, 2012 7272 Views 0 comment Print

1. Reporting of FDI for fresh issuance of shares: (i) Reporting of inflow:(a) The actual inflows on account of such issuance of shares shall be reported by the AD branch in the R-returns in the normal course.(b) An Indian company receiving investment from outside India for issuing shares / convertible debentures / preference shares under the FDI Scheme, should report the details of the amount of consideration to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank through it’s AD Category I bank, not later than 30 days from the date of receipt in the Advance Reporting Form. Noncompliance with the above provision would be reckoned as a contravention under FEMA, 1999 and could attract penal provisions.

Trade Credits for Imports into India

July 7, 2012 4977 Views 0 comment Print

Trade Credits’ (TC) refer to credits extended for imports directly by the overseas supplier, bank and financial institution for maturity of less than three years. Depending on the source of finance, such trade credits include suppliers’ credit or buyers’ credit. Suppliers’ credit relates to credit for imports into India extended by the overseas supplier, while buyers’ credit refers to loans for payment of imports into India arranged by the importer from a bank or financial institution outside India for maturity of less than three years. It may be noted that buyers’ credit and suppliers’ credit for three years and above come under the category of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) which are governed by ECB guidelines.

Accounting for agreements for the construction of real estate [IFRIC 15 under IFRS]

July 5, 2012 1277 Views 0 comment Print

On 3 July 2008, the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) issued IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate. The Interpretation addresses the accounting for revenue and associated expenses by entities that undertake the construction of real estate directly or through subcontractors. Agreements within the scope of IFRIC 15 are described as ‘agreements for the construction of real estate’, and may include the delivery of other goods or services. IFRIC 15 addresses two (related) issues:

Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners [IFRIC 17 under IFRS]

July 3, 2012 1971 Views 0 comment Print

The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) issued IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners. IFRIC 17 is to be applied prospectively for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009. This Interpretation provides guidance on the appropriate accounting treatment when an entity distributes assets other than cash as dividends to its shareholders. The specific questions addressed in the Interpretation are:

Policy on Route, Caps & Entry Conditions

June 17, 2012 621 Views 0 comment Print

Development of Townships, Housing, Built-up infrastructure and Construction Development projects- FDI up to 100% under the automatic route in townships, housing, built-up infrastructure and construction-development projects (which would include, but not be restricted to, housing, commercial premises, hotels, resorts, hospitals, educational institutions, recreational facilities, city and regional level infrastructure) is allowed subject to the following guidelines (para 5.23.1):

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) For Civil Aviation Sector

June 9, 2012 1195 Views 0 comment Print

The Civil Aviation sector includes Airports, Scheduled and Non-Scheduled domestic passenger airlines, Helicopter services/Seaplane services, Ground Handling Services, Maintenance and Repair organizations; Flying training institutes; and Technical training institutions.

Role of Chartered Accountants in relation to unlawful acts by their clients

June 8, 2012 9280 Views 0 comment Print

As per Clause 1 of Part I of Second Schedule to The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, as amended by the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2006, a member in practice shall be deemed guilty of professional misconduct, if he discloses information acquired in the course of his professional engagement to any person other then his client, without the consent of his client, or otherwise than as required by law for the time being in force.

Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999

June 6, 2012 714 Views 0 comment Print

An application for compounding of a contravention under FEMA, 1999 may be submitted to the Compounding Authority (CA) on being advised of a contravention under FEMA, 1999, either through a memorandum or suo moto on being made or on becoming aware of the contravention. The format of the application is appended to the Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000;

XBRL – What’s all about

June 3, 2012 4809 Views 5 comments Print

XBRL is a language for the electronic communication of business and financial data which is revolutionising business reporting around the world. It provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis and communication of business information. It offers cost savings, greater efficiency and improved accuracy and reliability to all those involved in supplying or using financial data. It is an open standard, free of licence fees, being developed by a non-profit making international consortium. Other pages on this web site provide detailed information on XBRL, its technical features and its business opportunities.

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