An OPC by its very nature is a Private Company. This is established by the definition of Private Company-Section 2(68) of Companies Act, 2013 and Section 3- Formation of a Company-
Relaxation of Additional Fee for certain Forms for Companies/LLP MCA relaxes levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act 2008 vide General Circular no 06/2021 and 07/2021 dated 3rd May 2021 and amended the same as on 30.06.2021 vide following Circulars- MCA Relaxes time for filing forms […]
A One Person Company (OPC) is best suited for people who wish to be sole entrepreneurs. It is a new concept introduced by Companies Act, 2013 to encourage the objective of ease of doing business by providing a sole person with the opportunity to work with the benefits of a company i.e., an OPC offers […]
In continuation to the Ministry’s Circular no 06/2021 and 07/2021 dated 3rd May 2021, wherein relaxation was provided to Companies and LLPs in filing of forms without payment of any additional fees where it has been due for filing for a specified period of time, the Ministry has issued a clarification listing out the forms covered […]
Relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of charges under Companies Act,2013: ♦ APPLICABILITY: This relaxation is provided inrespect of following forms whether filed by a company (Section 77) or a Chargeholder (Section 78): 1. Form CHG-1- Application for registration of creation, modification of charge (other than those related to debentures) […]
MCA Relaxation due to Covid Pandemic as on 03.05.2021: In respect of Number of Board meetings and Filing of certain forms 1. Section 173: Number of Board Meetings Before Relaxation– Every company shall hold a minimum number of four meetings of its Board of Directors every year; and gap between two consecutive board meetings shall […]
Appointment of a director in case the number of directors fall below the statutory limit As per Section 149(1): Every company shall have a Board of Directors consisting of individuals as directors and shall have a minimum number of: 1. three directors in the case of a public company, two directors in the case of […]