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Chandra Prakash Bhatia

Latest Posts by Chandra Prakash Bhatia

Taxation and Tax Administration as Depicted in Ancient Indian Texts

July 28, 2023 6606 Views 0 comment Print

This Article discusses, sources of revenue, its significance, methods of collection and its applications, as stated in the ancient Indian texts like Manu Smriti, Shanti Parva, Shukra-nitisara, Arthashastra and also contemporary Jain/Buddhist manuscripts, thereby giving the reader an insight into History of Taxation in India in ancient period.

History of Death Taxes & Tales of Some Weird Wills

November 19, 2022 9903 Views 2 comments Print

Explore the history of death taxes, strange wills, and taxation tales from ancient times to the present. Discover how taxes on property and inheritance evolved over centuries

Philanthropy, Trusts and Their Taxation- A Glance Back

September 2, 2022 5550 Views 0 comment Print

Explore the history and significance of philanthropy, trusts, and their taxation. Discover how these concepts have shaped society and contributed to charitable activities.

Evolution of Union Finance and Revenue Sharing With Provinces In India

August 12, 2022 7353 Views 0 comment Print

Explore the evolution of Union Finance and revenue sharing with provinces in India. Discover how financial resources are delegated for developmental works.

Confronting Tax Confrontations

July 29, 2022 1764 Views 0 comment Print

This is an article primarily aimed at the Officers who receive a lot of submissions against any pointed query. Sometimes, taxpayers tend to bye-pass the pointed query by furnishing huge irrelevant details, confusing the Officer.

Handling Grievances- The Past and Present Methods

June 1, 2022 3534 Views 1 comment Print

Income tax Department maintains websites, which provide all the information to the taxpayers. At the same time, it archives the returns/documents of the taxpayers. Website of Income tax Department has won several awards for its useful and up to-date content. It facilitates grievance redressals.

An Exceptional Job Well Done- Shree Changdeo Sugar Mills Limited Case

May 27, 2022 2286 Views 2 comments Print

Explore the exceptional case of Shree Changdeo Sugar Mills Limited. Learn how Income Tax officers successfully ran the business and realized dues.

Evolution of the Income Tax Statute Over Centuries

July 6, 2021 22020 Views 4 comments Print

‘Income tax’ is of a comparatively recent origin, first introduced as a ‘War Tax’ in England in the year 1798, by William Pitt. In the following year a 10 per cent, duty was imposed on all incomes above a basic limit. Under the 1799 Act of England, the taxpayer was ‘required to give a return of his income from every-source. In the year 1816 the tax was entirely withdrawn. An Act was introduced by Sir Robert Peel in 1842 formulating a code which to a large extent remains in force in England till date.

Retrospective Law: Global and Indian Instances

August 8, 2020 13389 Views 0 comment Print

From the ancient time, retrospective law or ex post facto law has been a part of standard jurisprudence. It is neither an Indian creation, nor it is being used exclusively in India. Instances of its application to the International law as well as to the domestic laws of many countries have been cited in the article.

Mohini Mills Limited: An Unforgettable Legacy

August 8, 2020 8619 Views 1 comment Print

Mohini Mills Limited was a commercial enterprise, established by Baboo Mohini Mohan Chakraborty after his retirement from Civil Service. It is a tale of entrepreneurship and out of box thinking of a bureaucrat. The enterprise boosted the Swadeshi movement in the country.

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