ITAT held that non- mentioning of Document Identification Number (DIN) as per instruction of CBDT in Circular No.19/2019 dated 14.08.2019 invalidates revision order for violation of procedure.
ITAT held that payment received in India for providing logistics support services cannot be treated as royalty under Section 9(1)(vi) or fees for technical services under section 9(1)(vii) of Income Tax Act, 1961
ITAT held that credit of bona fide assessee cannot be denied in case where assessee committed technical/typographical error during return filing.
HC held that benefit under SVLDR Scheme could not be denied on the ground that the quantification required to be done under SVLDR Scheme is actually self-assessment done during duration of Audit.
In the instant case, the view of the Authority to reject the credit on the ground of ‘no nexus’ could have been done only by taking recourse to Rule 14 of CCR. In the present case, since the Authority has rejected the credit solely on the ground of ‘no nexus’ which legally does not sustain.
AAR held that, a walltop computer is neither a micro-computer nor a large computer and to be classified as an automatic data processing unit covered under Customs Tariff heading 8471 41 90.
ITAT held that in no case entire sales amount can be treated as income and only profit embedded should be treated as income for computation of income under Income Tax Act, 1961
Calcutta High Court in the case of Maxxcab Wires & Cables Pvt Ltd & Anr vs State Tax Officer held that the Non-speaking Order under Goods and Services Tax is not valid.
Gujarat High Court in case of Shree Govind Alloys Pvt. Ltd. v. State of Gujarat held that mere expiry of e-way bill during transit of vehicle cannot be a valid ground for detention and seizure.
CESTAT held that custom brokers are not responsible for overseeing correctness of documents provided by client issued by government authorities for verification of exporters as per Regulation.