Explore regulations and procedures for virtual meetings under Companies Act, 2013. Learn how to convene board meetings, conduct AGMs/EGMs, and overcome challenges in virtual shareholder gatherings.
Discover quick steps for incorporating a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) using FiLLiP on the MCA V3 portal. From login to essential details, this guide simplifies the process for new LLP incorporation, ensuring a seamless experience. Learn about designated partners, residency requirements, and crucial points to consider. Make your LLP incorporation hassle-free with Prakasha & Co.’s comprehensive guide.
1) Trademark validation is added in Incorporation Form. 2) Every User has to create his/her id on the portal and have to register DSC through their respective login. 3) E-MOA and E-AOA is added for Section 8 Company. 4) E-Form DIR-2 is added. Most of Physical Form has been removed. 5) NIC Code 2008 needs […]
Practical steps to change the name of a private company: From calling board meetings, reserving the proposed name with MCA, passing resolutions, holding EGM, to filing necessary e-forms. Learn the process, documentation, and timelines for a seamless transition.
A Company can give loans and guarantees, acquire securities or make investments in another company or body corporate with the consent of the board or shareholders. Such loans given by a company to other companies or body corporates are known as inter-corporate loans. When a company invests in another company, it is known as inter-corporate investment.
Can price be the criteria to judge whether a transaction is at arm’s length? Should every transaction be accompanied with a certificate from a valuer? One may check if there are comparable products in the market. If yes, check the terms of sale/purchase, etc. of similar transactions and try obtaining quotes from other sources. Price […]
COMPANY SPECIFIC DISCLOSURES IN A DIRECTOR’S REPORT 1. Financial summary and highlights- The financial summary and highlights should be accompanied by the macro-economic, geo-political, financial, industry specific as well as any company specific information affecting the business of the company and the market in which it operates, along with the industry performance with regard to […]
How to determine meaning of Ordinary Course of Business under Related party Transactions? Who determines that the transaction with related party is in the ordinary course of business? Is it the Board or the Audit Committee? ♦ The Act does not clearly lay down tests for determining whether a transaction is in the ordinary course […]
Introduction to Partnership ♣ Partnership is an association of two or more individuals who agree to share the profits of a lawful business. ♣ It is managed and carried on either by all or by any, or some of them acting for all. ♣ The formation of partnership is easy and simple. ♣ Each member […]
-Every unlisted public Company shall issue securities only in dematerialized form and facilitate dematerialization of all its existing securities. [Rule 9A(1) of the companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014]. -A Private Company can also obtain DEMAT connectivity for the purpose of dematerialization of shares, with one of the depositories or with both provided […]