Extension of Bill of Entry Submission and Write off of amount payable
Master Direction – Import of Goods and Services
Reserve Bank of India issues the Master Direction on various matters each year. In this update, we are providing key points from captioned Master Direction in connection with Extension and Write off of the amount payable against the import of good and services.
- AD Category I banks shall give extension for submission of BoE (Bill of Entry) beyond the prescribed period in terms of the extant guidelines on the matter, and the same will be reported in IDPMS [Import Data Processing and Monitoring System] as per the message “Bill of Entry Extension” and the date up to which extension is granted will be indicated in “Extension Date” column.
- AD Category I banks can consider closure of BoE/ORM [Outward Remittance Message] in IDPMS that involves write off to the extent of 5% of invoice value in cases where the amount declared in BoE varies from the actual remittance due to operational reasons and AD bank is satisfied with the reasons submitted by the importer.
- AD Category I banks may close the BoE for such import transaction where write off is on account quality issues; short shipment or destruction of goods by the port/customs/health authorities in terms of extant guidelines on the matter subject to submission of satisfactory documentation by the importer irrespective of the amount involved. AD Bank shall settle and close ORM/BoE with appropriate “Adjustment Indicator” in IDPMS.
- The above operational guidelines for extension and write off are meant to facilitate closure of bills in IDPMS and will be subject to extant guidelines on the matter and not absolve the importer from remitting/receiving the amount in case of change in circumstances.
- While allowing write off, AD Category – I banks must ensure that:
a. The case is not the subject matter of any pending civil or criminal suit;
b. The importer has not come to the adverse notice of the Enforcement Directorate or the Central Bureau of Investigation or any such other law enforcement agency; and
c. There is a system in place under which internal inspectors or auditors of the AD Category – I banks (including external auditors appointed by authorised dealers) should carry out random sample check/percentage check of write off of import bills;
- Extension and write off cases not covered by the extant guidelines may be referred to the concerned Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India for necessary approval.
Source: FEMA Master Direction – Import of Goods and Services
For further information, please contact us on – +91 9833 88 44 64 / utkarsh.m@cauma.in
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FEMA Master Direction – Import of Goods and Services can be accessed from this link.
Bill of entry raised but payment has to be dispose with contra entry (i.e. supplier did make payment of our Export proceeds & we do not want to pay his Import.)
if advance paid for important goods but goods not received and also as a business not viable to purchase goods as business point of view.
What can be done if discount amount is more than 5% & discount value is just 43 Euros on 4300 Euros invoice. Can AD bank write-off this BOE or is there any other procedure for this.
What is to be done in cases where write-off exceeds 5%, say 5.5%? Is there any process to be followed or is such a write-off not possible?
Dear Deepthi ji,
Please share some more information and I will be able to share my point of view.
some raw /pacing material was imported and used in the export products under 100pct EOU unit. Bill of entries are outstanding. Shipping bills are there that material was used in exports. How to close the bill of entries as bank does not agree.
What can be done if discount amount is more than 5% & discount value is just 36.07 Euros on 360.66 Euros invoice. Can AD bank write-off this BOE or is there any other procedure for this.