BJP Professional Cell, Mumbai
dt 18.5.21
Shri Piyush Goyal ji
Hon’ble Minister for Railways
New Delhi
Respected Sir ,
Sub.: Allowing Banks’ staff and other essentials’ staff to commute by Local Trains in Mumbai
C Rly Mumbai DO letter no.: BB.C.193.S.Gen.Covid-19 Precautions2020-21 dt 13.5.21
We regret to note content of above letter (COPY ATTACHED), not allowing staff of Banks (Nationalized/coop./Pvt) , stock brokers, other essentials service providers , to commute by local Trains in Mumbai., in Lockdown II.
All these essential sectors especially Banking sector is a wheel of economy. It is strange that on the one side, the Govt expects banks to extend uninterrupted services even during lockdown, but when it comes to using local train services , banks are not considered in the list of essential service providers.
In Mumbai , it is costly and time consuming for such staffs , to travel long distance.
Just to mention that ,even during Lockdown I, staff of Nationalized Banks and subsequently after pointing out by us , even staff of Coop /Pvt Banks were allowed to commute by Local Trains in Mumbai.
It is earnest request to allow staff of all types of banks(Nationalized/Coop/Pvt banks and their supporting service providers viz. CAs/audit firms/ computer/software firms etc., with immediate effect.
Awaiting your immediate action.
President: BJP Professional Cell, Mumbai
M: 9869437888
encl.: as above
cc to : CA Shri Arunsingh ji, MP.
National Gen Secry., New Delhi
Adv Shri Mangal Prabhat Lodha ji, MLA
President : BJP, Mumbai
Shri Gopal Shetty ji , MP, Mumbai
Smt Poonam Mahajan Rao Madam, Mumbai
Shri Manoj Kotak ji, MP, Mumbai