Confederation of all India Traders issued guidelines to trade associations across Country for self policing to protect people from COVID-19.
Confederation of all India Traders
(An Apex Body of Trade Federations, Associations & Non-Corporate Sector of India)
“Vyapar Bhawan”
925/1, Naiwala, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.110005.
Phone: +91 11-45032664, Telefax: +91 11-45032665
E-mail:, Website:
Ref. No .: 3199/1/50
22nd April, 2021
Trade Associations all over the Country
Dear friend,
Subject: Self Policing Campaign to combat covid
At present, the continuous high increase of covid cases across the Country is a matter of great concern for all of us. Even more worrying is that all the states have completely failed to stop the corona, due to which there is a famine of medical facilities across the country and people are moving from one place to another, pleading for help. In such odd circumstances, it has become extremely necessaiy that we should not sit idle by just having confidence in the Government. The situation demands that every trade organisation across the Country should have to come forward and protect the traders and their families, their employees and their families and the customers visiting the shop from the deadly cov;d. In view of this hard reality, the CAIT has today launched a national campaign “Self Policing Campaign” through all the merchant organizations across the country in which all the merchant organizations are required to implement the following means of coved protection in their market.
- Every shop owner should not only wear a mask all thetime but also instnicts his employees to wear masks compulsorily.
- Make sure to wash your hands with soap at least 5 times a day
- Follow the 6-feet distance between you and thecustomer in your shop.
- The traders who sit at the retail counter must put a face shield sothat they are not infected with the corona.
- All traders must keep sanitizer and some masks at their shop and if any customer comes without a mask, then give him the mask!. Do not give any goods to a customer without wearing a mask.
- Put a five-feet high acrylicsheet on your retail counter on three sides so that no trader can get infected with the corona in any case.
Micro Containment Zone
Prime Minister Sim Narendra Modi on 17th March had suggested to all the State Governments to create Micro Containment Zone in their state, but due to their negligence, the State Governments did not do any concrete work on this suggestion. However, the CAIT has decided to take forward this concept. Starting at his ovm level, a trader can fight against Corona. We should try to understand three important words i.e Micro , Containment and Zone
The meaning of micro is smallest particle which means the smallest creature in thesociety, that is, you have to separate yourself from everyone, after that you go to your family then the building Street or .Mohalla where you live, then your area. This implies that you have to first protect yourself from infection in order to fight the battle of covid.
Containment means infected place. This means that if you are infected then it is containment and in this way your building or area can become a containment.
The third word zone means the place where infection can spread. This means that you should try to avoid infection for yourself, then your house, then your building, street or .Mohalla, then the city and while doing so, all the concerned people try to save the nation from infection. Therefore, together we can all beat the covid.
You are requested to implement the above suggestions at your level immediately and make other associations of your city aware of this too
Thank you.
B C Bhartia
National President
Praveen Khandelwal
Secretary General