William Foster, an American Politician worded quality and its significance that hold true even decades later after they were said. According to him, “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution”. This not only holds true for each aspect of our lives but is all the more heightened if the deliberations move in the sphere of professionals and the services provided by them.
The raison d’être for the same can be attributed to the faith reposed by the Government and the Regulatory Authorities in the services rendered by professionals and their ethical conduct.
Peer Review plays significant role in the maintenance as well as enhancement of quality of services rendered by members of the Institute and the Guidelines developed by the Council has made the same mandatory for certain Audit and Certification services, thus according both Peer Review as well as the services greater significance.
This publication titled ‘Peer Review Manual’ was designed to assist the Peer Reviewers and Practice Units (PU) in carrying out the exercise of Peer Review. With the recent amendments in Guidelines, the Third Edition of the publication seeks to guide the Members regarding the same.
It is sincerely hoped that this Manual would make an easy reading and pave the way for improving the quality of professional services rendered by practicing members while facilitating the members in understanding the nuances of Peer Review.
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