Que – Please provide the details of Exchange Rate value of INR against USD dollar from the year 1947 till date.
Ans – Information regarding USD-INR rates for the period 1945-46 – 1970-71 is available at the following link: Exchange Rate – 1945-1971
2. Information regarding USD-INR rate for the period 1970-71 to 2013-14 is available on:
http://dbie.rbi.org.in/DBIE/dbie.rbi?site=publications-> Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy -> Part I -> Annual Series -> Trade & Balance of Payments -> Table 147 – EXCHANGE RATE OF THE INDIAN RUPEE VIS-À-VIS THE SDR, US DOLLAR, POUND STERLING, D. M. /EURO AND JAPANESE YEN (calendar Year – Annual Average)
3. Information for the year 2015 onwards is available on
Average of Working Days | INR To 100 USD |
1945-46 | 332.25 |
1946-47 | 331.96875 |
1947-48 | 331.75 |
1948-49 | 331.75 |
1949-50 | 407.4375 |
1950-51 | 477.50 |
1951-52 | 478.15625 |
1952-53 | 478.25 |
1953-54 | 476.25 |
1954-55 | 477.78125 |
1955-56 | 478.9375 |
1956-57 | 479.22 |
1957-58 | 478.32 |
1958-59 | 476.54 |
1959-60 | 476.80 |
1960-61 | 476.82 |
1961-62 | 477.20 |
1962-63 | 477.20 |
1963-64 | 478.29 |
Average of Working Days | 1 USD to INR 100 |
1960-61 | 20.97 |
1965-66 | 20.90 |
1966-67 | 20.86 / 13.20 |
1967-68 | 13.22 |
1968-69 | 13.12 |
1969-70 | 13.26 |
1970-71 | 13.23 |