Confederation of All India Traders
“Vyapar Bhawan”
925/1, Naiwala,Karol Bagh,New Delhi-110005.
Phone: +91-11-45032664, Telefax: +91-11-45032665
E-mail: Website:
Ref. No.: 2612/1/50
20th March , 2019
Shri Rahul Gandhi
Indian National Congress
New Delhi
Dear Shri Rahul ji,
We have come across one of your statement made yesterday at a Rally that traders are suffering from GST and if you come to power you will abolish Gabbar Singh Tax as called by you for GST.
As a representative body of business community of the Country we highly object your statement which is highly deplorable and far from facts and is being seen as an attempt by you to score points on shoulders of traders.
We would like to inform you that GST has been implemented in the Country by GST Council which also has representatives of State Governments ruled by your party. Undoubtedly it is enforced under the patronage of Central Government .
Though in initial months of GST implementation, the traders faced several problems being a new taxation system but with passing of time and subsequent steps taken by the Government and GST, it is being simplified to a greater extent. The biggest relief from GST is that it has relived traders from continuous Inspector Rule and lot of burden of complying the taxation system and paper work.
It is a pleasure for the trading community to note that both Government and GST Council is working with an open mind to make GST more simplified. On several representations given by us and other organisations were duly considered and several amendments were made in GST rules beside lowering down tax rate of hundreds of items from higher rate to lower tax rate. The threshold limit has been extended up to Rs 40 lakh to keep small traders out from the ambit of GST so also the limit of composition scheme has also been enhanced .
By & large the trading community is deeply satisfied with GST and hope that few other remaining issues and further simplification of GST will be an ongoing process.
We highly object that taking the shoulders of traders you have called GST as Gabbar Singh Tax. It gives an impression that perhaps relaxations, amendments, simplification and lowering of tax rates are certainly not in your knowledge that’s why you are saying that traders are suffering from GST which is certainly not the case. We want a simplified and rationalised tax structure and GST is moving forward in that direction.
We are sure that it will make you understand that Traders are not annoyed with GST but rather more willing to adopt it in a cohesive manner.
Praveen Khandelwal
National Secretary General
Note- We do not certify the correctness of attached file as we received the filed from unconfirmed sources.
The whole problems being faced by traders n being argued by one n all can be subdued by making one provision, 100% ITC on all items/services to all registered dealers against tax invoice only and removal of RCM on all goods n services.