Income Tax Department requested Eastern India Regional Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to request its members to immediately pay the outstanding demands which have become collectible.
Government of India
Income Tax Department
Office of the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax, Range-22, Kolkata
54/1, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road 4th Floor, Kolkata-700016
No.: Addl.CIT, Range-22/Kol/2018-19/1027
Dated : 20/02/2019
The Chairman,
Eastern India Regional Council,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
7. Russel Street, Kolkata-700071.
Sub: In the matter of Outstanding Tax Demands -Request for payments therreof -regarding.
Please refer to the above and interaction with the members of DTPA, DISA(ICAI) and AIFTP(E) yesterday in the chamber of Principal Commissioner of Income Tax-8, Kolkata at 54/1, Raft Ahmed Kidwai Road, Kolkata.
We are near the finishing line of yet another eventful financial year. At this stage all out efforts are being made to augment the collection of taxes. As a part of this effort and on perusal of records it reveals that there are a large number of cases of collectible Outstanding demand in respect of – Current demand. Arrear demand, Confirmed cases by Ld.CIT(A) and also some cases where self-assessment tax have not been paid after filing of Returns. It is found with much concern that in the said lists of such outstanding demands there are a substantial number of assessees who are members of your venerated Association.
In view of this, I am hopeful that you would earnestly request the members of your Association to immediately pay the outstanding demands which have become collectible. In case of any clarification it is requested to contact the concerned officers of this charge whose name and contact numbers are given below :-
1) Dr. Thejaswi G.V., IRS, ACIT, Circle-22,Kol
Email. & Contact No.22177291, Mob.8902350687
Add: 54/1, Raft Ahmed Kidwai Road, 4th floor, Kolkata-700016.
2) Dipak Lahiri,I.T.0.. Ward-22(4), Kolkata
Email. & Contact No.22175908, Mob.8902196278
Add: 54/1, Raft Ahmed Kidwai Road, 4th floor, Kolkata-700016.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely.
(A. Bhattacharjee )
Addl.C.I.T., Range-22, Kolkata.
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