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F.No.Dir (Hqrs.)/Ch(D’I)/25(04)/2015/297


Dated: March 19, 2015


Subject: ‘Anubhav’ show casing outstanding work done during service submission of details by retiring Government employee -Software application regarding

The undersigned is directed to state that Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances vide their OM No. 4/2/2013-P&PW(Coord) dated 19.21015, have initiated a process of providing a platform ‘Anubhav’ for the retiring Central Government employees to show case commendable work done during service. It is envisaged that apart from providing satisfaction to the retiring employee and acting as a motivator for the serving employees, this platform would also give an opportunity to garner the resource of retiring employee for voluntary contribution to nation building post retirement.

Under the project, the retiring employee, if he so desires, may submit a write-up not more than 5000 words in the form prescribed and submit the same alongwith Form 5 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972. An online application has been developed by NIC for this purpose. DAR & PG vide their OM dated 5.3.2015 have forwarded detailed instructions for use of this application by the retiring employees, Head of Offices/Head of Departments in the Ministries /Departments. It has been requested to circulate these instructions among employees of the Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and given wide publicity to encourage participation in ‘Anubhav’ as this project is being monitored at highest levels. Copies of DAR & PG’S OM dated 53.2015 and 19.2.2015 alongwith their enclosures as mentioned above are forwarded herewith.

Accordingly, the undersigned is directed to request all Pr.CCsIT (CCA) /DGsIT to take immediate necessary action to give wide publicity of this project among all employees/ Head of Offices/Head of Departments under their administrative control as this is a good opportunity for our employees to share good work done by them. For user id and password for processing submissions under ‘Anubhav’ and any further clarification or feedback, they may kindly contact Ms. Tripti P Ghosh , Director, DAR & PG (011- 24624802; email: tripti.ghosh@nic.in) Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi.

This issues with the approval of Chairperson, CBDT.

Encl.as above. (12 Pages)

(Anil Uniyal)
Dir(Hqrs.) CBDT




Dated: March 5, 2015


Subject: “Anubhav” – showcasing outstanding work done during service-Submission of details by the retiring government employee Software application regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 19.2.2015 on “Anubhav” and to say that an online system has been developed by the National Informatics Centre(NIC). Instructions for use of this application by the retiring employees, Head of Offices/ Head of Departments in the Ministries/ Departments are enclosed herewith. These instructions may be read in conjunction with the OM referred to above.

2. You may log on to the application by clicking on link “Anubhav” on persmin.gov.in/pension.asp. The login id and password is given in attached document.

3. The form on “Anubhav”, furnishing the details of the outstanding work by the retiring employee has also been modified in consonance with the software application. A copy of the revised “Anubhav” form is also enclosed. This form is to be submitted along with form 5 of CCS (Pension) Rules.

4. The instructions may be circulated appropriately among all employees of the Ministry and attached/ subordinate offices and given wide publicity to encourage participation in “Anubhav” as this project is being monitored at the highest levels.

5. For any further clarification or feedback please contact the undersigned.

(Tripti P Gosh)


All Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India as per standard list.

Copy to Prime Minister’s Office for information.

Anubhav : Showcasing outstanding work done during service:
Instructions for use of software application

Retiring employees, Administrative offices and individuals may log on to the facility by clicking on the “Anubhav” link available on the website http://persmin.gov.in/pension.asp. Employees would be able to submit personal details as well as a write-up by filling in appropriate details. Administrative offices can login and process the inputs so furnished. The heads of offices will ascertain that the employee is a valid employee under his control and the write up submitted does not violate the necessary conditions. If he is satisfied, he will forward the write up to the designated authority / Head of Department (HOD). The designated authority / Head of Department (HOD) may satisfy themselves of the appropriateness of the submission before “approving”. The write-up can then be formally “Published”. Individuals can view the published documents under “Anubhav” and give feedback.

Instruction for employees submitting write-up under Anubhav

• Select the icon ’employee’ on the vertical bar

• Fill up Part I-Personal details

o Enter your Full Name (Title, First Name, Middle name, Last Name).

o Select your Designation.

o Enter your Permanent Account Number (PAN)

o Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar Number

o Enter Date of Birth & Date of Retirement (format DD/MM/YYYY)

o Enter your Mobile Number, Email ID, correspondence address (Address, State, District, City, Pin-code)

o Select your Ministry/Dept/Organization & enter Office Address

o Select Cadre(if applicable)

o Upload your photograph in “jpg” format of max file size 20 KB, if any

• Hit the “Next” button or click on “other details” tab to move on to Part II- Commendable work

o Type work to be highlighted (in 5000 words). You can type this separately as a word document and copy-paste in the text box provided for the purpose.

o Select category of work

o Select Yes/No Whether willing to volunteer for social work

o Enter suggestions, if any

o Upload documents, if any, in “pdf” format, max file size 1 MB

o Carefully go through the declarations and click on “I Agree”

o Enter Security Code displayed in image in the form.

• Review the details entered in form by you before pressing the SUBMIT button.


a. If any of the pre-filled information is not available in the form (select options only), please get in touch with the concerned officer in your department to get the details updated.

b. Please ensure that you have filled the form with correct information and have uploaded a recent photograph, as the information submitted will be checked for correctness and quality. Incorrect data will be rejected.

Instructions to Ministries/Departments( Head of Offices) and Heads of Departments (HODs) for processing submissions under Anubhav

• Log on the website persmin.gov.in/pension.asp and click on link Anubhav

• Click ‘organization’ on the vertical column on the left

• Enter your user name and password

• Click ‘new requests’ on the left column to view requests received.

• Click or “Details” on the right to view the employee’s personal details and write-up and Publish or Reject as appropriate.

Instructions for Head of Offices/ (HOO) in case the retiring employee submits his write up manually

• Verify that the ‘Anubhav’ form has been filled up correctly and the declaration has been signed.

• Visit the website permin.gov.in/pension.asp and click on link Anubhav.

• Click ’employee’ on the vertical bar.

• Fill up the Part I – Personal details of the employee.

• Click on the ‘Next’ button to move to Part II – commendable work.

• Choose the category of work.

• Select the option given by him for voluntary work.

• Scan and upload the write-up submitted by the employee.

• Type “outstanding work may be seen as the attached PDF document” in the text box pro for the outstanding work.

• Click ‘Accept’ for the declaration.

• Submit after entering the security code.

For any other assistance please write to


Form for submitting details of outstanding work done to be uploaded on Departmental website

[May be submitted by a retiring employees six months before the date of superannuation or after the competent authority has approved his retirement or his retirement has become effective, as the case may be)

PART I – Personal Details:


1. Name

2. Designation

3. Aadhaar No.

4. PAN No.

5. Ministry/ department & office address:

5. Date of birth:

6. Date of retirement:

7. Mobile number & Email id:

8. Correspondence Address:

9. Head of Office:

10. Cadre Controlling Authority State allotted (For AIS only)

PART II – Commendable Work:

11. Work to be highlighted (Work may relate to previous assignments as well. Inputs up to 5000 words including outcome, suggestions and names of team members. In case additional information is required to be attached, the same may be uploaded as a PDF document):

12. Documents, if any, to be attached:

13. Suggestions, if any:

14. Work in (11) above is / are in the category:

(a) Good Governance

(b) Government process re-engineering

(c) Simplification of procedures

(d) Administration

(e) Accounts

(f) IT

(g) Research

(h) Others

15. Whether willing to volunteer for social work post-retirement:

16. Would you like to receive feedback through e-mail. lf so,e-mail ID may be provided.

17. Declaration:-

a) The information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge.

b) The information is not sensitive and is not such as to compromise national security or integrity.

c) The comments are not against any gender, caste or religion.

d) The comments are not political in nature.

e) Government will not be responsible for any misuse of this information.


Remarks of the Head of Office:

(Signature and stamp of Head of Office)

Administrative Head/designated Authority

No. 4/2/2013-P&PW (Coord.)

Dated: February 19, 2015


Sub: ‘Anubhav’ – showcasing outstanding work done during service – submission of details by a retiring Government employee – to be uploaded on Departmental website – reg.

The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is in the process of providing a platform for the retiring Central Government employees to showcase commendable work done during service. It is envisaged that this would provide satisfaction to the retiring employee and also act as a motivator for serving employees. This would also be a wonderful opportunity to garner the resource of retiring employees for voluntary contribution to nation building post retirement. The retiring employee may submit a write-up, not more than 5000 words alongwith appropriate attachments where need be.

2. All Ministries/Departments are requested to inform retiring employees that they may, voluntarily, submit the details in the enclosed Form alongwith Form 5 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.

3 It may be noted that –

(a) Since most successful ventures would have contributions of the entire team, retiring persons may indicate names of other members of the team in the write-up.

(b) Any work that has contributed to the efficiency, economy and effectiveness in government functioning or / and any innovation which led to improved work culture or any other contribution considered significant by the retiring employee may be submitted.

(c) Comments which are religious or political in nature (or gender based or based on caste and creed) will not be permitted. The content should not be such as to disturb communal harmony or be against national interest. There should not be any sensitive or secret information in the write-up.

4. The Head of Office shall check the contents to ensure that the submission is as per format and submit to the administrative head/ authority designated for approval. This exercise would be completed at least one month before retirement and the result uploaded on the concerned departmental website on the facility to be provided by Department of Pension & P.W.

5. The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare would coordinate and collate the data and information received from various departments.

6. (a) For the employee not belonging to AIS , the write-up would be uploaded on the website of the Department from where he retires and the website of the cadre controlling authority.

b) For employee of ATS, the write-up would, in addition, be uploaded on the website of the cadre controlling authority and the State cadre to which he belongs.

7. While an online system is being designed for this purpose, for which separate set of instructions would be issued, it would be possible for employees to submit hardcopies instead of going online.

8. The Departmental website while displaying the write-up will have a disclaimer that the contents and suggestions are as provided by the retiring employee and the department is not responsible for factual inaccuracies and the veracity of the claims.

(Vandana Sharma)
Joint Secretary to the Govemment of India

All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India as per list enclosed


Online System for submission and display of commendable accomplishments by retiring employees

Vision & Mission

To provide a platform for the retiring Central Government employees to showcase commendable work done during service. This would provide satisfaction to the retiring employee and also act as a motivator for serving employees. This would also be a wonderful opportunity to garner the resource of retiring employees for voluntary contribution to nation building post retirement.

Framework/ Modalities


i. Initially this facility is to be provided only to retiring Central government employees. Employees retiring in the next 6 months may be provided an online facility to submit their achievements.

ii. Submission would be voluntary.


i. The retiring employee may submit a write-up, not more than 5000 words alongwith appropriate attachments where need be. The write up may be submitted at the time of furnishing of Form 5 (Pension Application form which is required to be submitted 6 months before retirement). A format which will facilitate the process is enclosed with this note. Since most successful ventures would have contributions of the entire team, retiring persons may indicate names of other members of the team in the write-up.

ii. Comments which are religious or political in nature or are against national interest will not be permitted.

iii. The input will be checked by the Head of Office and result submitted to the administrative head/ authority designated for this purpose to ensure that the submission is as per format.

iv. This exercise would be completed at least one month before retirement and the result uploaded on the concerned departmental website.

v. While an online system will be designed for this purpose it would be possible for employees to submit hardcopies instead of going online.

vi. The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare will coordinate and collate the data and information.

What would count as Commendable work:

i) Any work that has contributed to the efficiency, economy and effectiveness in government functioning

ii) Any innovation which led to improved work culture;

iii) Any other contribution considered significant by the retiring employee.

Disclaimer: The departmental website while displaying the write-up will clearly indicate that the contents and suggestions are as provided by the retiring employee and the department is not responsible for factual inaccuracies and the veracity of the claims.

Form for submitting details of outstanding work done to be uploaded on Departmental website [May be submitted by retiring employees six months before the date of superannuation or after the competent authority has approved his retirement or his retirement has become effective, as the case may be]


1. Name:

2. Designation and name of Department

3. Aadhar No.

4. PAN No.

5. Date of birth

6. Date of retirement

7. Office Address

8. Permanent Address

9. Activity to be highlighted (Activity may relate to previous assignments as well. Inputs up to 5000 words including outcome, suggestions and names of team members. In case additional information is required to be attached, the same may be uploaded as a PDF document)

10. Documents, if any, to be attached

11. Activity / activities in (9) above is / are in the category

(a) Good Governance

(b) Government process re-engineering

(c) Simplification of procedures

(d) Administration

(e) Accounts

(f) IT

(g) Research

(h) Others

12. Head of Office

13. Cadre Controlling Authority / State

14. Whether willing to volunteer for social work post-retirement:

15. Whether you agree to make your write-up public?

16. Whether you want to receive feed back through e-mail. In case of ‘Yes’, e-mail ID may be provided.

17. I declare that-

a) The information is true & correct to the best of my knowledge.

b) The information is not sensitive or compromising on national security.

c) Govt. will not be responsible for misuse (if any) of this information.

18. Remarks, if any


Mobile number:

Remarks of the Head of Office:

(Signature and stamp of Head of Office)

Administrative Head/designated Authority


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