Dear Professional Colleague,
Greetings for the day!!
The Committee on Economic, Commercial Laws & Economic Advisory in line with one of the Institute’s objectives “Partners in Nation Building” and with a vision to contribute to economic development of India, aims to study the various Economic, Commercial Laws, Rules/Regulations/ Notifications, economic and commercial developments, to enable members to study the same and become expert in such fields and to enable the members to render various business advisory and support services.
As part of our endeavors to serve the profession and the stakeholders, the Committee on, Economic, Commercial Laws & Economic Advisory is forming a Study Groups for the subject – RoF Related Issues In Maharashtra.
Our Members practicing in this area are facing lot of issues and concerns wrt the legal and procedural aspects being followed by the office of Registrar of firms. As you may be aware that the procedures being followed by RoF are sometimes not even in consonance with the applicable law.
As this Study Group will prepare interalia write ups, representations and will indulge into analysis & interpretation of legal and procedural aspects therefore only those members who have good knowledge of the law, exposure, experience in this field are invited to express interest by mentioning details of relevant contributions and experience ideally with brief profile and contact details to
On perusal of the same, the Committee may seek your involvement in the Study Group.
With your relevant contribution in this field, the experience of one member can be passed on to others and the fraternity will be benefited at large.
Looking Forward,
With warm personal regards,
Yours sincerely,
Committee on Economic, Commercial Laws
& Economic Advisory (CECL & EA)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India