Share Department, Finance Division, HO Plot No. 4 Sector 10, Dwarka,
New Delhi-110075
Tel Nos : 011-28044866 E-mail :
Script Code : PNB | Script Code : 532461 |
The Asst. Vice President
National Stock Exchange of India Limited “Exchange Plaza” Bandra — Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai — 400 051 |
The Dy. General Manager Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 1st Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalai Street, Mumbai — 400 001 |
Dear Sir,
Reg.: News Clarification.
This has reference to recent news item appearing in CNBC TV18 titled “Govt may ask PNB to pay for Fraud Liabilities” on 23.02.2018 and as desired we are giving below point wise reply as under:-
S.No | Query | Our reply |
A. | Whether such event stated in published news were taking place? If so, you are advised to provide the said information along with the sequence of events in chronological order. | The Bank has not received any such communication from Government. |
B. | The material impact of this article on the Company. | The Bank is having enough Capital/ Assets to pay for such liability in case of eventuality in accordance of law. |
All relevant information which is required to be disclosed under Regulation 30 of Listing Regulations, have been disclosed to Exchanges.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(Balbir Singh)
Company Secretary