Last date for submission of Application: 04.05.2017
Request for Proposal
Bank of Baroda
Date: APRIL 13, 2017
Key Information on the RFP Response Submission
S. No. | Particulars | Timeline |
1 | RFP Issuance Date | April 13, 2017 |
2 | RFP Co-ordinator | Mr. Pankaj Khatri |
Telephone | +91 66985295 | |
Email id | | |
Address for Proposal Submission | 2nd Floor, Corporate A/c’s & Taxation Dept., Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, ‘G’ Block Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East Mumbai 400051 | |
Last date and time for receipt of written queries for clarification from bidders. | Date: APRIL 20, 2017 | |
4 | Date for issuing clarifications to queries by the Bank | Date: APRIL 26, 2017 |
5 | Last Date of Submission of RFP Response (Closing Date) | Date: MAY 4, 2017 Time: 3.00PM
Address: 2nd Floor, Corporate A/cs & Taxation Dept., Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, ‘G’ Block Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East Mumbai 400051 |
6 | Eligibility Cum Technical Proposal Opening Date | Date: MAY 4, 2017 Time: 3.30PM
Address: 2nd Floor, Corporate A/cs & Taxation Dept., Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, ‘G’ Block Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East Mumbai 400051 |
7 | Date for presentation of the proposal | Eligible short-listed bidders will be invited for a presentation on the Technical Proposal at the discretion of the management. Date for the presentation will be communicated to the short-listed bidders; the Bank’s decision is final in this regard. The bidder is required to come along with the team members who will be actively engaged with the Bank for consulting purpose. |
8 | Financial Proposal Opening | The Financial Proposals of only those who qualify in Technical Proposal will be opened. The date for opening of the Financial Proposal would be communicated separately only to those bidders who are eligible and technically qualified. |
9 | Application Money | INR 5,000/- (Rupees five Thousand only) |
10 | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee in favour of ‘Bank of Baroda’payable at Mumbai. EMD should be enclosed with Technical Proposal |
Definition of Terms used in the RFP:
Following terms are used in the document interchangeably to mean:
a) “Affiliates / Group Companies” means firms / LLP working under the common brand name and engaged in similar activity of accounting advisory / financial services, registered in India.
b) “Bank” means Bank of Baroda, constituted under “Banking Companies Acquisitions & Transfe of Property Act. 1970”, which has invited the bids for consultancy services, and with which the selected bidder signs the contract for the services to be rendered and to whom the selected bidder shall provide services as per the terms and conditions and terms of reference of the contract.
c) “Bidder / Applicant / Consultant” means the entity or firm who is submitting its proposal for providing services to Bank.
d) “Day” means calendar day
e) “Partner” means a professional sharing profit in a chartered accountancy firm / LLP as defined under Partnership Act and/or Limited Liability Partnership Act.
f) “Personnel / Professional” taff means full time staff with minimum qualification of CA/ICWA/MBA(Finance)/L.L.B and on the payroll of the bidder.
g) “Parties- Party or Parties means Bank or Bidder /Selected Bidder /Consultant or both as the case may be.
h) “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal.
i) “RFP” means this “Request For Proposal” prepared by t h e Bank for the selection of consultants.
j) “Terms of Reference (TOR)” means the document included in the RFP which explains the scope of work, activities, tasks to be performed, etc.
This document is meant for the specific use by the Company/ person/s interested to participate in the RFP process. This document in its entirety is subject to Copyright Laws. Bank of Baroda expects the Respondent or any person acting on behalf of the Respondent to strictly adhere to the instructions given in the document and maintain confidentiality of information. The consultants will be held responsible for any misuse of information contained in the document, and are liable to be prosecuted by the Bank in the event that such a circumstance is brought to the notice of the Bank. By downloading the document, the interested party is subject to the confidentiality clauses.