The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is a premier national professional body established under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries. It has on its roll over 35,000 members, both in Employment and in practice, and over 4 lakh students.
The Institute offers its flagship programme called Company Secretaryship. A person completing this course, both examination and training, is enrolled as a member and becomes eligible to work as a company secretary either in employment or in practice.
A student interacts with the Institute mainly for two purposes. First, he seeks registration to various levels of the course, namely, Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme. Second, he seeks enrollment to examinations for various modules of each of the three levels. With a view to provide efficient and any time service to students, the Institute has been leveraging information technology to provide these two services, namely, registration and enrollment, to students online.
Animated help to do online registration is also available on www.icsi.edu before student proceeds for online registration.
Detailed Steps for Online Registration Services for students are also mentioned below:
1. Click the “ Online Services” button on top of the ICSI website (www.icsi.edu)
2. Go to the Students tab and click on “Student Registration”
3. Click onto the checklist of documents as applicable to students on the basis of their qualification,
4. Now Click on ‘Proceed to Registration’
5. Select the Course type as applicable viz. Foundation, Executive Programme etc.
6. Fill other fields.
7. Click on the option-‘Make Payment’ for effecting necessary payments. ( Payment is to be made either by credit/debit card /net banking or through bank challan system )
8. After making payment students shall get user name & password at their registered e-mail ID / or Mobile No. for uploading their documents. Username of the student is “Student’s Registration Number” which students get instantly after making payment.
9. Students are further required to upload scanned copies of the documents in support of their qualifications in specified file formats by login at their respective accounts at “ My Account” option to get their registration process completed.
10. The file with the following specifications can be uploaded:
- File format should be jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp
- File sizes of documents should not exceed 5 MB
- Size of Student Photo should be between 20KB – 50KB
- Size of Student Signature should be between 10KB – 20KB
For any further information / clarification regarding online registration, please contact Shri A K Srivastava, Deputy Director (Student Services) at E-Mail Id ashvini.srivastava@icsi.edu or at Tel.No. 0120-4522083 / or Ms. Geetanjali S. Rathore, Administrative Officer (Student Services) at E-Mail Id grss@icsi.edu or at
Tel.No. 0120-4522065.
Dr. Amita Ahuja Senior Director
(Corporate Communication)
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area
Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110 003
Email: amita.ahuja@icsi.edu
Source- ICSI Press Release Dated 06.12.2013