Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 011.
Policy Circular No. 49 (RE-2008)/2004-2009
Dated the 22nd December, 2008
All Licensing Authorities;
All Commissioners of Customs.
Sub : – Notification No. 63 (RE-2008) dated 21.11.2008 and No. 64 (RE- 2008) dated 24.11.2008 – transitional arrangements thereunder.
Vide Notification No. 63 dated 21.11.2008 and No. 64 dated 24.11.2008, import of certain items have been restricted.
It is brought to the notice of all concerned that vide these Notifications transitional arrangement available under Para 1.5 of FTP have not been stopped. Thus, the transitional arrangements in respect of items whose import has been restricted vide the said Notifications shall continue. Similarly, where the shipment has been made prior to the date of issue of these Notification(s), as per Para 9.11A of HBP- vI, those imports may also be allowed.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(O.P. Hisaria)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. 01/89/180/46/AM09/PC-2(A) Pt.)