Supplement on Revised Schedule VI
Every company registered under the Act shall prepare its Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and notes thereto in accordance with the manner prescribed in Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. To harmonise the disclosure requirements with the Accounting Standards and to converge with the new reforms, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Notification No. S.O. 447(E), dated 28th February 2011 replaced the existing Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 with the revised one.
Government vide Notification No. F.N. 2/6/2008 – C.L-V dated 30th March 2011 made the revised Schedule VI applicable to all companies for the financial year commencing from 01st April 2011. The requirements of the Revised Schedule VI however, do not apply to companies as referred to in the proviso to Section 211 (1) and Section 211 (2) of the Act, i.e., any insurance or banking company, or any company engaged in the generation or supply of electricity or to any other class of company for which a form of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account has been specified in or under any other Act governing such class of company.
Key Features of Revised Schedule VI –Balance Sheet
• The revised schedule contains General Instructions, Part I – Form of Balance Sheet; General Instructions for Preparation of Balance Sheet, Part II – Form of Statement of Profit and Loss; General Instructions for Preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss.
• The Revised Schedule VI has eliminated the concept of ‘schedule’ and such information is now to be furnished in the notes to accounts.
• The revised schedule gives prominence to Accounting Standards (AS) i.e. in case of any conflict between the AS and the Schedule, AS shall prevail.
• The revised schedule prescribes a vertical format for presentation of balance sheet therefore, no option to prepare the financial statement in horizontal format. It ensures application of uniform format.
• All Assets and liabilities classified into current and non-current and presented separately on the face of the Balance Sheet.
• Number of shares held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares now needs to be disclosed.
• Details pertaining to aggregate number and class of shares allotted for consideration other than cash, bonus shares and shares bought back will need to be disclosed only for a period of five years immediately preceding the Balance Sheet date.
• Any debit balance in the Statement of Profit and Loss will be disclosed under the head “Reserves and surplus.” Earlier, any debit balance in Profit and Loss Account carried forward after deduction from uncommitted reserves was required to be shown as the last item on the asset side of the Balance Sheet.
• Specific disclosures are prescribed for Share Application money. The application money not exceeding the capital offered for issuance and to the extent not refundable will be shown separately on the face of the Balance Sheet. The amount in excess of subscription or if the requirements of minimum subscription are not met will be shown under “Other current liabilities.”
• The term “sundry debtors” has been replaced with the term “trade receivables.” ‘Trade receivables’ are defined as dues arising only from goods sold or services rendered in the normal course of business. Hence, amounts due on account of other contractual obligations can no longer be included in the trade receivables.
• The Old Schedule VI required separate presentation of debtors outstanding for a period exceeding six months based on date on which the bill/invoice was raised whereas, the Revised Schedule VI requires separate disclosure of “trade receivables outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date the bill/invoice is due for payment.”
• “Capital advances” are specifically required to be presented separately under the head “Loans & advances” rather than including elsewhere.
• Tangible assets under lease are required to be separately specified under each class of asset. In the absence of any further clarification, the term “under lease” should be taken to mean assets given on operating lease in the case of lessor and assets held under finance lease in the case of lessee.
• In the Old Schedule VI, details of only capital commitments were required to be disclosed. Under the Revised Schedule VI, other commitments also need to be disclosed.
Key Features of Revised Schedule VI – Statement of Profit and Loss
• The name has been changed to “Statement of Profit and Loss” as against ‘Profit and Loss Account’ as contained in the Old Schedule VI.
• Unlike the Old Schedule VI, the Revised Schedule VI lays down a format for the presentation of Statement of Profit and Loss. This format of Statement of Profit and Loss does not mention any appropriation item on its face. Further, the Revised Schedule VI format prescribes such ‘below the line’ adjustments to be presented under “Reserves and Surplus” in the Balance Sheet.
• As per revised schedule VI, any item of income or expense which exceeds one per cent of the revenue from operations or Rs.100,000 (earlier 1 % of total revenue or Rs.5,000), whichever is higher, needs to be disclosed separately.
• In respect of companies other than finance companies, revenue from operations need to be disclosed separately as revenue from (a) sale of products, (b) sale of services and (c) other operating revenues.
• Net exchange gain/loss on foreign currency borrowings to the extent considered as an adjustment to interest cost needs to be disclosed separately as finance cost.
• Break-up in terms of quantitative disclosures for significant items of Statement of Profit and Loss, such as raw material consumption, stocks, purchases and sales have been simplified and replaced with the disclosure of “broad heads” only. The broad heads need to be decided based on materiality and presentation of true and fair view of the financial statements.
Download Comparative analysis between Revised and old Schedule VI & Format of Revised Schedule VI
Source- ICSI
Excellent study materials for researcher of Commerce
very nice article about revised sch vi but you not clarify the share application money point….i.e how investor misleading about that point???????
Dear Sir
I have read your article on Revised Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account but could not download it then I send it to my own mail id but there are also no option to download it where you have given the option of share also give the option of downloading also sir Your website should be of user Friendly
Vijay Chopra
Very brisk and crisp. Good job.
no use of excel utilities
This is really a very good article, easy to understand.
The above article on Revised schedule VI is nicely written and is very useful.
very good text. easy to understand , thanks for uploading this matter