Announcement – Regarding Bank Branch Audit related matters. – (05-03-2012)
For Information of Members
[Regarding Bank Branch Audit related matters]
The office bearers and Council Members of the Institute have been in receipt of a representation from various members in regard to certain issues concerning the profession and in particular re: matters relating to bank branch audit, appointment procedure etc. Since numerous such communications have been received this announcement is being put up for the information of members so that individual responses to the representation may be avoided.
We may inform you that the President and the Council of the Institute are fully seized of the matter and they even before receipt of these representations have taken proactive steps to engage the government and appropriate authorities in a dialogue. The same is aimed at emphasising the contribution made by this profession in the corporate and banking sector and to avoid certain incorrect perceptions in the minds of authorities entrusted with decision-making in this regard. The representations made personally by the President along with the Vice President and certain members of the council have been well received and the favourable conclusion is awaited. In the interim, it is important as mentioned by a past President that ” the profession speaks with one voice” when there is a difficult situation to be faced.
Members are therefore requested to note that their representations have been duly noted and are being acted upon. In view thereof, further circulation of personal views by emails / letters to Government and Regulatory authorities may be avoided, so that a situation wherein different views are being expressed on behalf of the profession to various authorities does not arise.
m b a(finance) BCOM
What is current TDS rate on Directors remuneration.