Non-submission of detailed contingency (DC) bills worth Rs 11,854 crore, defalcation and loss to the tune of Rs 407.97 crore up to March 2010 are among the highlights of the CAG report on Bihar finances for 2009-10. Talking to reporters, Principal Accountant General (Audit), Bihar, P Dinaraj said that of Rs 14,272 crore drawn on 58,423 abstract contingent (AC) bills, only 7,435 DC bills for Rs 2,418 crore were submitted to the Accountant General (A and E), Bihar, up to March 2009.
DC bills in respect of 50,988 AC bills for Rs 11,854 crore drawn during the period from 2002-03 to 2008-09 were not not submitted despite repeated audit objections, Dinaraj said.
Non-submission of the DC bills had hit the headlines in July 2010 as the opposition raised a hue and cry over the issue demanding resignation of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.