Instruction No. 2/2009 dated 09.03.2009
Section 10B of the Income tax Act provides for exemption of income in case of hundred per cent export oriented undertakings subject to prescribed conditions. Explanation 2 (iv) below to the said section defines a “hundred percent export oriented undertaking” as an undertaking so approved by the Board appointed in this behalf by the Central Government under section 14 of the Industries Development and Regulation Act, 1951. Subsequent to the delegation of this power by the Ministry of Commerce and Industries to the Development Commissioners, such approvals to 100% EOU’s are now being granted by the Development Commissioners, which are later ratified by the Board of Approvals.
The matter regarding validity of approvals given by Development Commissioners has been examined in the Board. It has been decided that an approval granted by the Development Commissioner in the case of an export oriented unit set up in an Export Processing Zone will be considered valid, once such an approval is ratified by the Board of Approval for EOU Scheme.