Government of India has initiated collaborative process of formulation of Open Standards for e-Governance in India with the objective of enabling seamless interoperability of various e-governance solutions developed by multiple agencies, and to promote technology choice and avoid vendor lock-in,
An Institutional Mechanism has been set up by Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, by involving representatives from Government, BIS, Subject Matter Experts in Industry, Domain Experts, Academia, NASSCOM, MAIT, Civil Societies etc. National Informatics Centre (NIC), a constituent of DIT is steering and managing the standardization activity.
Well laid Policy on Open Standards would play a critical role in formulating the standards for the rapid, effective and efficient growth of e-Governance in India.
The Draft Policy and Implementation manual were prepared after detailed deliberations with all stakeholders. The Draft Policy includes Policy statement, mandatory and desirable characteristics and exception cases for the selection of Open Standards. The manual addresses rationale, guiding principles for selection of standards, and the implementation mechanism.
The Draft Policy has been further revised after incorporating feedback from various stakeholders and has been approved in principle by the Apex Body. However, in view of the importance of this matter, it has been decided to provide another window of opportunity to the public for feedback on the revised Draft Policy.
The revised Draft Policy has been published for Public Review on the website for posting the comments.
Public Review Closing Date: 3rd June, 2010.
Contact Details for response:
Postal Address: The Head, e-Governance Standards Division, National Informatics Centre, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Ph. No. 011-24305812 Fax No. 011- 24367713