GSTN launched e-Invoice Exemption Declaration Functionality for taxpayers who are exempted from implementing e-invoicing under the CGST Rules, but are by default enabled for it.
ए. नीति आयोग :- जनवरी 2015 में इस संस्था का गठन राष्ट्रीय विकास की दृष्टि से किया गया था। अपने उद्देश्य को आगे बढ़ाने में ई-गवर्नेंस और प्रौद्योगिकी प्रवेश पर इस निकाय का ध्यान गया। नतीजा यह हुआ कि इस संस्था का संबंध भारत में साइबर अपराधों से हो गया। नीति आयोग भारत सरकार के […]
Understand the new tax regime (NTR) from FY 2023-24 and learn how to save tax with allowable rebates, exemptions, and deductions.
अब एक ऐसी मुद्रा के बारे में सोचें जो मुद्रा और नोटों के रूप में नहीं है, लेकिन एक डिजिटल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर संग्रहीत है और जो संप्रभु के किसी भी वादे से समर्थित नहीं है और जो सरकार द्वारा विनियमित नहीं है और जिसकी आपूर्ति, भंडारण और स्वामित्व को ब्लॉक चेन तंत्र की अवधारणा द्वारा आश्वासन दिया गया है। संक्षेप में यह क्रिप्टो मुद्रा है।
As a salaried employee in India, optimizing tax savings is essential to maximize take-home income and achieve financial goals. The Indian Income Tax Act offers several tax-saving instruments and deductions that can help individuals reduce their tax liability while making prudent financial investments. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular tax-saving instruments available to salaried employees in India.
In the case of Goldline Dealers Pvt Ltd vs. ITO, ITAT Kolkata directs re-adjudication due to incomplete investigation & application of mind on the issue of Addition for Share Capital & Premium. Read the full text of the ITAT order.
CESTAT Chennai dismissed the revenue appeal for lack of concrete grounds of appeal, with the arguments being merely surmises and generic.
In present facts of the case, the Hon’ble High Court quashed the proceedings under Section 385 of IPC pertaining to extortion as in the present case, the petitioners acted as per the agreement between the parties to demand their legitimate dues.
Chhattisgarh High Court held that enhancement of fine amount u/s 419 & 420 of IPC exceeding the jurisdiction of the Magistrate by the appellate Court is not in accordance with law and the same is not sustainable.
CESTAT Kolkata held that activity undertaken by the appellant as calibration tests and upgradation/configuration of the appliances according to the requirements/specifications of the customers, does not amount to manufacture as no new product came into existence.