Centre has today notified RoDTEP Scheme Guidelines and Rates (Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products). The scheme for zero rating of exports will boost our exports & competitiveness in the global markets .The rates of RoDTEP will cover 8555 tariff lines.
What Is HSN and its importance HSN is a short form for Harmonized System of Nomenclature introduced by the world customs organization in 1988 to identify and classify goods for levying custom duty. HSN avoids goods being classified differently in different custom zones of the various ports, thus bringing certainty to the taxation part of […]
(All about Capital markets: – Definition, Types, role of Company Secretaries etc.) Introduction: – Capital markets are the exchange system platform that transfers capital from investors who want to employ their excess capital to businesses that require the capital to finance various projects or investments. Types of capital Markets: – Capital markets primarily feature two […]
Till now, every assessee was required to file annual return in Form GSTR-9 along with duly audited reconciliation statement of sales, purchases and ITC in Form GSTR 9C by a practising chartered accountant or a cost accountant. However, w.e.f. 1.8.2021, the provisions for annual return and GST audit & reconciliation have been amended so much […]
INTRODUCTION Every Company needs funds to run and expand its business operations. These funds either are owners’ capital or debt. This debt can further be debenture, loans, and deposits. In this write-up, we are going to discuss deposits and inter-corporate borrowings. In this write-up, I will analyse provisions related to acceptance of Deposits by the […]
Application for advance ruling was filed to determine whether supply of drinking water to general public in unpacked/unsealed manner through dispensers/mobile tankers by a charitable organization at a concessional value is covered under exemption of GST as per SI. No 99 of the Notification 02/2017-Central tax (Rate) dated June 28, 2017
The economy has started showing signs of recovery after second wave of Covid-19 which is receding fast. While nothing is predictable on the third wave yet, the economy is slowly returning to normal with most of the curbs been lifted in all parts of the country. While capital expenditure has grown in Q1 this year, […]
Pramod Lele Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) 1. The expression ‘Technical Consultancy’ would only mean rendering of technical services by assessee. In our considered opinion, the expression ‘Management Consultancy’ could not be brought within the ambit of “technical consultancy”. 2. Hence, we hold that the provisions of Section 44AA(1) of the Act cannot be made applicable […]
Microsoft Research Lab India Private Limited Vs Commissioner of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) CESTAT find that the appellant has given detailed justification for each of the impugned services involved in these two appeals with judicial precedents and the impugned services have been used by the appellant for rendering the output services. Further, I find that […]
Current writ petition has been filed by SpiceJet Limited (Petitioner) to quash the Notice bearing No. 1273, ETO/W-1/GGM (North) dated July 27, 2021 which provided to the Petitioner to discharge its statutory tax dues.