CBIC has extended the time limit for sanction of pending IGST refunds in such cases where records have not been transmitted to ICEGATE due to GSTR1 and GSTR3B mismatch error.
The Hon’ble Delhi High Court in Del Ice Cream Manufacturers Welfare’s Association v. Union of India and Anr. [Writ Petition No. 5252/2019 and others dated February 9, 2021] directed the GST Council to reconsider the exclusion of small scale manufactures of ice cream from the benefit of Composition Scheme under Section 10(1) of the Central […]
Discover the tax benefits of Leave Travel Concession (LTC/LTA) under Section 10(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Learn how to save on your taxable income.
Electronic Commerce has been defined in Sec. 2(44) of the CGST Act, 2017 to mean the supply of goods or services or both including digital products over the digital or electronic network. Electronic Commerce Operator has been defined in Sec. 2(45) of the CGST Act, 2017 to mean any person who owns, operates or manages the digital or electronic facility or platform for electronic commerce.
Now a days we have seen that the GST department is frequently using the powers which is envisaged to it in the sec.83 of the CGST act w.r.t. to provisional attachment of the properties of the tax payer . Now voices have arose against frequent and general use of the such harsh powers even in […]
In order to avoid fake invoicing and curb tax evasion the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has introduced new rule 86B vide notification number 94/2020 dated 22nd December, 2020. Rule 86B is made effective from 1st January 2021 wherein the registered person shall be required to pay 1% of GST liability in cash […]
Direction to Union of India (UOI) and CBDT for issuing appropriate instructions or guidelines to the exercise of power under Section 83 of the CGST Act, 2017 Generally, in each and every matter in which proceedings under Section 67 of the CGST Act, 2017 are initiated, an order of provisional attachment of the bank accounts […]
Karan Sharma Vs ITO (ITAT Bangalore) The assessee has explained that Rs.92,54,462 is out of previous withdrawals and sale of garments and pleaded that it is to be excluded from the taxation. The assessee has not furnished any evidence to establish the nexus between the earlier withdrawals and deposits into various bank accounts. In such […]
D.S. Suresh vs ACIT (ITAT Bangalore) In the present case, the addition is based on the diary jottings found during the course of search action in the case of RNSIL on 16.02.2012. We have carefully gone through the diary jottings recorded earlier part of this order. It contains the entry No.5 – MLA Tarikere Rs.27 […]
Karan Singh Vs Designated Committee Sabka Vishwas Legacy Dispute Resolution Scheme and Another (Delhi High Court ) Since quantification has co-relation and is interlinked with tax relief under the scheme, and the Petitioner has not made a voluntary disclosure, but has rather approached for settlement in respect of case under investigation, we find merit in […]