Nidhi Company is one of the categories of NBFC or in other words, it is the cheapest and easiest form of NBFC as well. Also, it is very easy form to register and does not require much capital. Anybody can register a Nidhi Company with only 5 Lac rupees minimum capital and with minimum of seven members. The word […]
Introduced New Return System:- The new return system FORM GST ANX-1 & FORM GST ANX-2 to be available for trial basis from July, 2019 to Sep, 2019, in between taxpayers to continue to file FORM GSTR-1 & FORM GSTR-3B. FORM GST ANX-1 to be filed compulsory from October, 2019 onwards for all taxpayers. Large Taxpayers:- Taxpayers having aggregate turnover of more than Rs. 5 cr. […]
Registered office of the company is the official address of the company where any communication relating to the company is sent. As it is the public record therefore different Government Departments and other organisations uses the same record to communicate with the Company. The registered office of the Company is decided at the time of […]
Meaning: Section 8 Company is named Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, which pertains to a established ‘for promoting commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of environment or any such other object’, provided the profits, if any, or other income is applied for promoting only the objects of the […]
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, in order to encourage the promotion and marketing of Indian products registered as Geographical Indications, launched a common GI Logo and Tagline. The GI Logo will act as a certifying mark that can be used to identify all Indian products registered as GIs, irrespective of the categories, which makes it convenient for the consumers to recognize authentic GI products, and thereby protect the interests of genuine GI producers
In the absence of any permission received from Pr. CIT or the CIT, there was no merit in the order of AO in making addition on an issue which was not the basis for selection of case under CASS.
RBI issues licences to carry out banking business to co-operative banks under Section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Societies). RBI regulates the banking functions of co-operative banks under the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. These banks are also required to comply with instructions/ guidelines etc. issued by RBI from time to time.
In re M/s. Specsmakers Opticians Private limited (GST AAR Tamilnadu) The value in respect of supply of goods i.e. Lenses, Frames, Sun Glasses, Contact Lenses as well as Reading Glasses, Complete spectacles by the applicant to distinct persons being branches outside the state of Tamil Nadu shall be the open market value of such supplies […]
Lenovo (India) Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Customs (Import)- (CESTAT Mumbai) Computer having integrated CPU, VDU, but without physical keyboard (having virtual keyboard), and weighing less than 10 kg is classifiable as portable PC under TI 84713010 and not under TI 84715000 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The Tribunal found no literature to support […]
In re MRF Limited (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) The order issued by the original authority for advance ruling is set aside. The appellant can avail Input tax credit of the full GST charged on the undiscounted supply invoice of goods/services by their suppliers. A proportionate reversal of the credit is not required to be done by […]