Private Company In This Modern Era If One Wish To Be An Entrepreneur Then Private Limited Company Is The Best Option To Come Out With A Best Entrepreneurship. Where By There will be less compliances and cost with a lots of benefits. And The Formation of the Company At The very Nominal Cost. Advantages of […]
M/s. Wipro Limited Vs ACIT (ITAT Bangalore) In this case relief was allowed by learned CIT (A) in respect of levy of surcharge and cess by directing the AO that surcharge and cess should be levied only in the cases where the non resident vendors are residents of countries with which DTAA allows withholding rate […]
To, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji, Hon. Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Government of India North Block, New Delhi – 110001 Hon’ble Madam Sub : Extend due date for filing of GST Annual Returns in Forms GSTR-9, 9A, 9B and Audit Report in form GSTR-9C from 30 June, 2019 to 31 October, 2019. I […]
DCIT Vs M/s. BMR Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd (ITAT Delhi) The AO in the assessment order was of the view that the amount of Rs. 1.78 crores paid by the assessee to its Director Mr. Sanjay Mehta, and claimed as bonus was not allowable in view of section 36(1)(ii) of the Act because the sum […]
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs prescribed the guidelines for intended direct selling business operators which is required to be followed to take prior approval from Ministry of Consumer Affairs. The Direct Selling Companies highly praised the consumer affairs ministry for the guidelines, which industry executives said would remove fraudulent players, help serious companies grow, protect […]
Spout, cup holder and latex collection cup are agricultural implements exclusively used for rubber tapping come under the classification HSN 8201 90 00 other hand tools of the kind used in agricultural, horticulture or forest, As such these items are exempted from GST.
Peanut candy and Gingelly candy, uniappam, neyyappam, kinnathappam, kalathappam, rice ball (ariyunda) and avil vilayichathu are taxable @5% GST and achappam, kuzhalappam, madakku, pottiappam, thatta / thattavada and murukku are taxable @12% GST if sold under a brand / trade name and @5% otherwise. Baked chips are taxable @12% GST.
The authorized representative of the applicant was heard, It is pointed out that the ‘Therapeutic Cervical Pillow’ is made up of hypo-allergenic, high quality polyurethane foam with 100% cotton cover. The product is usually used by patients who suffer with cervical spondylitis, cervical sprain headache etc.
The disposable underpad is functionally similar to sanitary towels as both are responsible for absorbing body fluids and keeping the respective body parts dry Therefore, the product is appropriately classifiable under HSN 9619 00 90 – Others.
In re M/s Abad Fisheries Pvt. Ltd (GST AAR Kerala) Whether the frozen seafood sold in packages to institutional customers, without bearing the brand name, is eligible for exemption (NIL rate) under Notification No. 2/2017 (Central Tax Rate / Integrated Tax Rate / State Tax Rate) dtd 28th June, 2017? No. Supply of frozen seafood […]