FM: Income Tax Department takes various initiatives to bring about efficiency, transparency, and fairness in Tax Administration; Government is committed to widen the tax base by encouraging and incentivising the new tax payers; Number of tax payers increased significantly from 4.72 crore in financial year 2012-13 to 6.26 crore during the Financial Year 2016-17;
Assessee was entitled to deduction u/s 54F of the Act in respect of more than one residential flats received by virtue of a development agreement. We find that this issue is now fairly covered by the decision of various High Courts in favour of the assessee.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 12 of the Government Savings Certificate Act, 1959 ( 46 of 1959) , the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Post Office Savings Certificates Rules, 1960, namely
Extension of time for Review by Review Committees of Chief Commissioners or Commissioners of Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax under Section 129D (3) of the Customs Act, 1962 and Section 35E (3) of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and Section 86 (3) of the Finance Act, 1994regd.
IGST Exemption on Supply of services associated with transit cargo to Nepal and Bhutan (landlocked countries) vide Notification No. 31/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate)
Supply of services associated with transit cargo to Nepal and Bhutan (landlocked countries). Notification No. 30/2017- Central Tax (Rate)
In addition to Vimta Labs, Hyderabad, Export Inspection Agency (EIA) Lab, Chennai has also been authorised to issue the analytical report of testing of Penta Chlorophenol (PCP).
Rate of tax on goods under GST have been notified vide notification no. F.12(56)FD/Tax/2017–Pt.-I-40 dated 29 June, 2017, as amended from time to time. Besides, exemption from tax on intra- State supplies of goods have been notified vide notification no. F.12(56)FD/Tax/2017–Pt.-I-41 dated 29 June, 2017, as amended from time to time. Some of the goods were made taxable or put into higher tax slab, if such goods are put up in unit containers and bear a registered brand name.
The quantity of sugar to be exported to EU under CXL Quota from 1.10.2017 to 30.09.2018 has been notified vide Public Notice No. 28/2015-2020
SEBI, vide circular SEBI/HO/IMD/FPIC/CIR/P/2016/67 dated August 04, 2016 had redefined the INR 244,323 cr Corporate debt limit for FPIs as the Combined Corporate Debt Limit (CCDL) for all foreign investments in Rupee denominated bonds issued both onshore and overseas by Indian corporates.