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Archive: 27 May 2017

Posts in 27 May 2017

Comprehensive Analysis of Reverse Charge for Services in GST Era

May 27, 2017 17454 Views 3 comments Print

Goods and services Tax, the most awaited and crucial tax reform (business reform rather) is going to take place in Indian business environment form 01st July 2017 onwards. 04 important GST bills have already received precedential nod, 09 rules have been finalised by GST council, 12 states have passed SGST Bill, rates for goods and services already proposed by GST council and reverse charge in respect of services proposed by GST council, so with all these developments GST is all set to get implemented and replace most of the existing indirect taxes levy.

Goods and Service Tax Practitioners in GST Regimes

May 27, 2017 40614 Views 16 comments Print

In Good and Service Tax, there are so many tasks that are to be done online and these works include Filing of various Returns and Statements, Depositing the Tax etc and for these purposes the Taxable persons can take service of Goods and Service Tax Practitioners (GSTP) by authorising them to do certain statutory works.

Sanitation: keystone of public health

May 27, 2017 795 Views 0 comment Print

Safe water, adequate sanitation and personal hygiene are indispensable for human health and progress. Lack of these can seriously impact psychological and social development of communities. The worst sufferers are women and children.

CBI Arrests central Excise official in Gold Theft case

May 27, 2017 1464 Views 0 comment Print

CBI Arrests a Superintendent of central Excise in an on-going Investigation of a Case Relating to Theft of Gold from Custom’s Godown at IGI Airport

Economy looks brighter on strong macro canvass

May 27, 2017 1116 Views 0 comment Print

India’s macro picture drawn on the canvass of leading economic indicators, including those affecting day-to-day life of a common household, looks far brighter and importantly more focussed than it was three years back when Narendra Modi took over as the Prime Minister, riding on his personal popularity and connect with the people.

Time of supply under CGST Act, 2017

May 27, 2017 8967 Views 0 comment Print

1. The liability to pay tax shall arise only at the time of supply of goods. Earliest of the following shall be the time of supply √ Date of issue of invoice or the last date of issue of invoice u/s 31[1] √ At the time of receipt of payment.

EOI for physical verification of Fixed Assets located at various units of ICAI

May 27, 2017 2436 Views 0 comment Print

Notice inviting Expression of Interest for physical verification of Fixed Assets located at various units of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

GST: Payments of Taxes- Part I

May 27, 2017 12504 Views 1 comment Print

Ledger Involved in GST Payment 1. Electronic Tax Liability Register- GST payable will be maintained in this register. 2. Electronic Credit Ledger- GST input available will be recorded in this ledger like-Purchase of goods & Services. 3. Electronic Cash Ledger- GST paid in Cash will be recorded in this ledger i.e. Liability- Input= Payable.

Are Nidhi Companies allowed to do Vehicle Finance activities?

May 27, 2017 5814 Views 0 comment Print

Nidhi Companies are not allowed to do micro finance business or to provide unsecured loans to its members.Nidhi Companies are allowed to lend/accept funds to/from only to its members, Nidhi can only lend a secured loan to its members

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