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Archive: 23 July 2016

Posts in 23 July 2016

Whether remote e-voting is permissible in a court convened meeting?

July 23, 2016 22462 Views 0 comment Print

Provisions of Chapter XV of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) have not yet been put into operation. As a result of which the powers of companies to compromise or make arrangements with creditors and members are still being governed by the provisions of sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 (‘1956 Act’)

Referencer on Venue & Place for holding Company Meetings

July 23, 2016 22569 Views 3 comments Print

Easy referencer for the Venue, Time, Date and Place for holding various Meetings of the company under the Companies Act, 2013 and Secretarial Standards issued by the ICSI in this behalf.

Technical paper on e-commerce under GST

July 23, 2016 23101 Views 0 comment Print

In recent time a new concept called e-commerce has been very famous in modern India with the availability of internet and smart phones with every class of citizens. As compared to developed countries like United States, Europe this concept was new for all of us and also for the lawmakers

Setting aside the ‘bad insurance policy’ is a good investment policy

July 23, 2016 23847 Views 0 comment Print

Did your last insurance policy assure you only insecurity after you bought it? Do you feel that the insurance policy which you have just taken does not serve your purpose? Or, is it that the policy does not give all that your advisor promised you it would, while selling the policy? If this is so, then you need not despair, help is at hand

5 Things to take care while choosing the right financial planner

July 23, 2016 21350 Views 0 comment Print

What is the first image that comes to your mind when you think of a financial advisor? A stressed person completely occupied with his phone and PC, buying and selling orders, and trying to make as much money as possible for his present as well as potential clients.

Goods and Services Tax (GST): An Overview

July 23, 2016 31391 Views 0 comment Print

Goods and Services Tax (GST): An Overview I. Introduction 1. Introduction of GST would be a significant step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India. By amalgamating a large number of Central and State taxes into a single tax and allowing set-off of prior-stage taxes, it would mitigate the ill effects of cascading […]

Responsible citizenship- protect environment

July 23, 2016 22753 Views 1 comment Print

Responsible citizenship- protect environment: Environmental concerns- avoid wastage- case study -street Lights –proper time of switch off and switch on can save about 10- 15% electricity and other lighting expenses. DEV KUMAR KOTHARI General: This article is intended for benefit of public at large to show that how a small initiative taken can contribute to […]

Tax Deducted at Source Calculations, Savings and Procedures

July 23, 2016 29152 Views 6 comments Print

TDS is tax deducted at source. This is a method through which the government makes sure you pay the tax while receiving he income rather than paying it latter. There are various situations where TDS is applicable to the income you receive. TDS eases the burden on the person who receives the income as he […]

CBDT introduces Paperless PAN & TAN application process

July 23, 2016 25342 Views 0 comment Print

For fast tracking the allotment of PAN and TAN to company applicants, Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) based application procedure has been introduced on the portals of PAN service providers M/s NSDL eGov and M/s UTIITSL. Under the new process PAN and TAN will be allotted within one day after completion of valid on-line application.

5 Things to Know before purchasing a house or flat from Builder

July 23, 2016 27573 Views 1 comment Print

Are you planning to buy your dream house? Have you made the final choice for your ideal home and just left with signing of the house agreement? Is your home loan approved? Are you also done with all the other major formalities?

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