There shall be conducted a uniform entrance examination to all medical educational institutions at the undergraduate level and post-graduate level through such designated authority in Hindi, English and such other languages and in such manner as may be prescribed and the designated authority shall ensure the conduct of uniform entrance examination in the aforesaid manner:
From F.Y.2016-17 onwards, this exercise would be undertaken every year to identify defaulters as on 31st March in cases where undisputed outstanding demand /tax exceeds Rs. 1 crore in all category of cases specified in para 3 for publication of names by 31st July
162. Litigation is a scourge for a tax friendly regime and creates an environment of distrust in addition to increasing the compliance cost of the tax payers and administrative cost for the Government. There are about 3 lakh tax cases pending with the 1st Appellate Authority with disputed amount being 5.5 lakh crores. In order to reduce this number, I propose a new Dispute Resolution Scheme (DRS)
Amendment in Appendix – 1A and 6J of Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms of 1-1-1) 2015-20 Jurisdiction of Special Economic Zones under Para.6.34 of Handbook of Procedure of 2015-2020- Indore Special Economic /one is included at Appendix – 1A & Appendix 6J of Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms of (FTP-2015 20).
The office of the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade, Rajkot and Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade , Raipur are included in Para 8.01 under the Western Zone where Committee on Quality Complaint & Trade Dispute (CQCTD) has been constituted.