PROVISION RELATED TO COMPANY’S STATIONERY INCLUDING LETTER HEAD As per companies Act 2013, companies are required to get its name, address of its registered office and the Corporate Identity Number along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e-mail and website addresses, if any, printed in all its business letters, billheads, letter papers and in […]
Section 159,160,161,162 & Schedule V deals with the Annual Return & related provisions under Companies Act,1956. But in Companies Act, 2013 all these sections are combined together in one Section namely – 92.
Kaushal Agrawal Before you start study you must plan. Following questions should be answered. 1. How to study 2. What to study and 3. How much to study. 4. Which topics to leave.
Deposits or advances given to the parties which was written-off latter in the scheme of amalgamation, were neither a capital assets nor there was any transfer, thus no capital loss is allowed to be carried forward to the subsequent year. Thus held that irrecoverable advances written-off are not a transfer and the loss cannot be claimed as capital loss.