Renting of Immovable property has been taxed under the earlier tax regime vide Section 65 (105) (zzzz). Renting of immovable property has been brought into tax net vide Notification No. 23/2007-ST dated 01.06.2007. But After 1.7.2012, the transition involves shift from taxation of 119 service-specific descriptions to a new regime whereby all services will be taxed unless they are covered by any of the entries in the negative list or are otherwise exempted
Real estate transactions in recent past have attracted the attention of Central & State Governments. New provisions under Income tax, Wealth tax, Service tax, Value added tax & revised guidelines for registration are examples of attempts on the part of the Government to raise more & more revenue from real estate transactions.
MEANING OF IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS In conformity with AS-28 impairment of assets means reduction in value of assets due to any market factors or performance of assets. It is applied to fixed assets including intangible assets. As per the provisions, the following assets are specifically excluded out of coverage of Impairment Rules:- Inventories (valuation as […]