The case of the assessee is that the statement/admission was made under the mistaken belief of law that Rs. 50 lakhs represents the sale value of stock found short was undisclosed income of the assessee instead of the correct legal position that the gross profit on suppressed sale is the income of the assessee.
I am directed to refer to the Ministry’s General Circular no. 14/2012 dated 21st June 2012 and to say that fees on Form 23B (Information by statutory auditor to the Registrar) has been deferred for two weeks and shall now be applicable from 5th August, 2012.
Ostensibly, while denying the assessee’s claim of carried forward unabsorbed loss/depreciation assessed under the normal provisions of the Act, the Assessing Officer has proceeded on the basis that section 10A of the Act provides an exemption and, therefore, loss suffered in such unit is not allowed to be set off or carried forward for further set off against other normal business income.
Circular No. 20 /2012-Cus Changes in the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 issued – In para 4.1.2 of FTP (applicable to Advance Authorization and DFIA schemes) the formula/norm for Value Addition (except for gems and jewelery) has been tightened by including reference to intent of claiming drawback, and in para 4.1.14 of FTP it has been made clear that drawback would be allowed only for such duty paid items which have been endorsed on the authorization by the Regional Authority.
An issuer proposing to issue debt securities to the public through the on-line system of the designated stock exchange shall comply with the relevant applicable requirements as may be specified by the Board.