The company had challenged the government policy of not allowing existing operators to bid for the immediate next terminals. According to the policy, The court asserted that the government has the right to make a policy to prevent companies from bidding for the immediate next terminals so that no monopoly of cargo firm is created. The court upheld the policy. APM Terminals B.V. Vs. Union of India & ANR. (Supreme Court -11.05.2011)
The 27th Annual Conference of Chief Commissioners and Directors General of Income Tax is scheduled for 241h & 25th May, 2011 at New Delhi. It gives me great pleasure to extend a cordial Invitation to attend the Conference. You will be received by the Reception Team at the Airport Reception Counter. The Conference would be held at the Vigyan Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi, The Agenda for the Conferirce shall be sent in due course. Arrangements for the stay of outstation CCsIT/DGsIT have been made in The Ashok Hotel at the tariff of Rs, 5,500/- per day.