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Archive: 23 April 2010

Posts in 23 April 2010

SEBi circular on Execution of Power of Attorney by the Client in favour of the Stock Broker and Depository Participant

April 23, 2010 2575 Views 0 comment Print

A Power of Attorney is executed by the client in favour of the stock broker /stock broker and depository participant to authorize the broker to operate the client’s demat account and bank account to facilitate the delivery of shares and pay – in/ pay – out of funds.

If a Municipality is not notified by the Central Government, the agricultural land falling therein cannot be treated as capital asset by taking the distance from the limits of other Municipality

April 23, 2010 42405 Views 0 comment Print

Since Rajendra Nagar Municipality is not notified by the Central Government, the agricultural land falling therein cannot be treated as capital asset by taking the distance from the limits of Hyderabad Municipality.

Income tax department continued surveys in connection with IPL

April 23, 2010 351 Views 0 comment Print

Continuing their round of ‘survey’ of the offices of all IPL teams, the income tax authorities on Thursday visited the Sahara Group’s offices in Lucknow and Mumbai, the offices of GMR in Delhi and those of Red Chillies in Mumbai, owned by cine star Shahrukh Khan who has a major stake in the Kolkata Knight Riders IPL team.

Income tax department issued notices to Knight Riders and Gameplan Sports

April 23, 2010 282 Views 0 comment Print

The questions the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has asked the communications ministry under A Raja really cut to the heart of the heart of the 2G licence scam in 2008, a scam estimated by many to have cost the government around $8-10 billion in terms of lost revenues.

Soon unlisted companies may have to follow corporate governance rule

April 23, 2010 471 Views 0 comment Print

The government on Wednesday said that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) guidelines which require listed companies to meet corporate governance norms for best practices in management may now be extended to unlisted companies as well.

Taxability of stipend received by Indian Resident Students out of India

April 23, 2010 16476 Views 8 comments Print

Taxation for resident Indian students: All incomes earned in a foreign country are combined and taxed in India (applicable to students too, except for minors). The Income Tax (I-T) Act says an individual deputed in a foreign country on work for less than 180 days, or six months, is considered an Indian resident.

Notification No. S.O. 943 (E), Dated: 23.04.2010

April 23, 2010 370 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295 of the Income-tax Act 1961 (43 of 1961) the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules 1962 namely.

Petition under Section 397/398 – Maintainability – A Case Study

April 23, 2010 2146 Views 0 comment Print

Law governing the rights of the minority, the propriety of the majority and the protection given to the shareholders under section 397/398 of the Act, is always very interesting and also complicated. There are many interesting and complicated issues under section 397/398 of the Companies Act, 1956.

Notification No. 29 ,Daetd : 23.04.2010

April 23, 2010 475 Views 0 comment Print

S.O. 943 (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962

Section 65: Finance Act does not talk of a tourist permit issued under Motor Vehicles Act, but it only speaks of user of tourist vehicle by tour operator

April 23, 2010 651 Views 0 comment Print

Merely because the Motor Vehicles Act provides for granting of tourist permit, it would not automatically mean that section 65 of Finance Act, 1994 also contemplates only a tourist permit and not otherwise; if the vehicle is used for providing transport service then it will amount to providing taxable service under the Finance Act.

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