In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Para 1.3 and 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-09, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in the Notification No.22 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 3rd July, 2008.
Circular No. 6 of 2008-Income Tax The Central Board of Direct Taxes, vide notification S.O. No. 752(E), dated 28.3.2008 have notified return forms for the assessment year 2008-09. With a view to enabling tax payers to file returns in the electronic mode, these returns (except ITR-7) have been made annexure-less.
The matter has been considered in this Directorate and it has been decided to inform all concerned that the ITC(HS) Code endorsement by Regional Authority against each input under the aforesaid Schemes shall continue. It is the responsibility of the exporters to declare the correct ITC(HS) Code. Corrections in ITC(HS) Code, even subsequent to issuance of these scrips/ endorsement of transferability, can be examined and allowed by RAs based on the representation of Authorization Holder(s).
In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms (SION) as contained in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.2), 2004-2009, as amended from time to time, addition/revision/amendments/corrections at appropriate places as mentioned in ANNEXURE “A” (Page 1 ) to this Public Notice are made.
5. Chapter-XVI of the Income-tax Act provides for special provisions applicable to firms. Section 184 provides that a firm shall be assessed as a firm for the purposes of this Act if the partnership is evidenced by an instrument and the individual shares of the partners are specified in that instrument. It is also necessary to be assessed as a firm as per sub-section (2) that the certified copy of the instrument of partnership
Giving relief to companies engaged in leasing and financing business, the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal has ruled that they are not required to pay interest tax, applicable to other credit institutions. Since substantial earnings is made from such (lease financing) activity after employing substantial funds…the assessee would be outside the scope of charging provisions contained in the Act (Interest Tax Act).
Doctors, lawyers and other professionals —both salaried and self-employed— may now have to pay a higher professional tax. Acceding a long-pending demand of the state governments, the Centre has decided to raise the ceiling on professional tax from Rs 2,500 to Rs 7,500 per annum. The Union Cabinet is expected to take up the proposal on Thursday.
In the first instance, 15 bought-leaf tea factories in Nilgiris have applied for energy audit under the energy conservation project launched by Tea Board in co-operation with United Nations Development Programme’s Global Environment Facility and implemented by Technology Informatics Design Endeavour (TIDE).
TAN is a unique identification number, which is allotted to people who are deducting or collecting tax at source on behalf of the income tax department. It has to be quoted in all TDS/ TCS returns. As in the case of permanent account numbers (PAN) that helps to keep track of all assessees and their returns, TAN is used to keep a tab on all tax dedicators and deductions. If all these officers have a TAN, It would be easier to track collections by state governments through TDS.
The Ahmedabad Income-Tax Tribunal has held that where charges are incurred towards MICR facilities regarding identifying, reading and clearing cheques through special kind of machines, the same would be in the nature of fees for technical services (FTS) and would accordingly be liable to deduct tax at source (TDS) under section 194J. In the relevant case, the assessee was engaged in the business of banking activities/services. During verification of the TDS return, the AO observed that the assessee had made payment towards MICR charges to MICR centre managed by State Bank of India without deducting TDS.