Circular No. 9 of 2002-Income Tax Under section 194A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 tax is deductible at source from any payment of income by way of interest other than income by way of interest on securities. Clause (v) of sub-section (3) of section 194A exempts such income credited or paid by a co-operative society to a member thereof from the requirement of TDS.
Notification No. 263-Income Tax Provided that the benefit under the said proviso shall be admissible in the case of transfer of such bonds by endorsement or delivery, only if the transferee informs the Small Industries Development Bank of India by registered post within a period of sixty days of such transfer.
Circular No. 661/52/2002-CX It has been observed that though there is a clear cut distribution of work between the various Sections of the Board, the Commissioners do not follow these guidelines and matters relating to one Section are referred to another Section thereby causing confusion and delay. This is particularly so in respect of TRU. Since TRU is flooded with a number of references on technical matters from the Commissioners, they are not able to devote adequate time and resources to their assigned items of work.