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Delhi VAT: Furnishing of Return with digital signatures

May 3, 2016 2326 Views 0 comment Print

Government of NCT of Delhi, do hereby direct that the requirement to furnish return with digital signatures in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 shall be for the tax period commencing from 1st April, 2016 and subsequent tax periods.

Services qualifying for EPCG scheme despite payment in Rupee

May 3, 2016 1606 Views 0 comment Print

A new Appendix 5D is being notified containing list of services, payments for which are received in Rupee terms and which are to be counted for fulfilment of Export Obligation under EPCG scheme.

Govt. Constitutes Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority

May 2, 2016 1513 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (5) and (6) of section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules 5 and 7 of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Appointment of Chairperson and Members, holding meetings and provision for offices and officers) Rules, 2016 (herein after referred to as the said rules), the Central Government hereby constitutes the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority consisting of following persons, namely:-

Govt establish one more Debts Recovery Tribunal at Ernakulam

May 2, 2016 2839 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government hereby establishes one more Debts Recovery Tribunal at Ernakulam in the State of Kerala with effect from the 9th day of May, 2016 and consequent thereupon, the existing Debts Recovery Tribunal will be known as Debts Recovery Tribunal-1, Ernakulam and the newly established Debts Recovery Tribunal will be known as Debts Recovery Tribunal-2

Mandatory GPS, Alert Button & CCTV in transport vehicles

May 2, 2016 4771 Views 0 comment Print

Provision of Vehicle Location Tracking Device, Alert Button and CCTV.- (1) All motor vehicles used as transport vehicles, as defined under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) shall be equipped with or fitted with vehicle location tracking device, CCTV based surveillance system, and one or more emergency buttons as per the Table below:

FEM (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2016

May 2, 2016 11155 Views 0 comment Print

Every receipt in foreign exchange by an authorized dealer, whether by way of remittance from a foreign country or by way of reimbursement from his branch or correspondent outside India against payment for export from India, or against any other payment, shall be as mentioned below:

Revision in TDS due date & Supporting for claim of Deduction from Salary

April 29, 2016 65074 Views 0 comment Print

26C. Furnishing of evidence of claims by employee for deduction of tax under section 192.- (1) The assessee shall furnish to the person responsible for making payment under sub-section (1) of section 192, the evidence or the particulars of the claims referred to in sub-rule (2), in Form No.12BB for the purpose of estimating his income or computing the tax deduction at source.

MVAT: Govt notifies Form 402A, 404A, 424A, 703, 703A,703B, 703C, 703D, 703E

April 29, 2016 7852 Views 0 comment Print

These rules may be called the Maharashtra Value Added Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 2016. (i) where the registration is to be cancelled under sub-clause (a) of the second proviso, the date of effect of the certificate of registration issued; (ii) where the registration is to be cancelled under the sub-clause (b) of the second proviso, the date of effect shall be the date, as the Commissioner may deem fit after making such inquiry.

Updation of SCOMET list classifying Export & Import Items

April 29, 2016 4990 Views 0 comment Print

Amendments/additions to Categories 0, 3 & 4 of SCOMET list [Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items] have been notified.

Power to appoint inspectors to inspect of books & papers of a company-Reg.

April 29, 2016 2599 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 458 of the Companies Act(18 of 2013), the Central Government being satisfied that circumstances warrant, hereby delegates the powers to appoint inspectors for inspection of books and papers of a company under sub-section(5) of section 206, as ordered by Central Government , to the Regional Directors.

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