A natural person shall not be member of more than a One Person Company at any point of time and the said person shall not be a nominee of more than a One Person Company.
Provided further that nothing in this rule shall apply in respect of preparation of consolidated financial statements by a company if it meets the following conditions:- it is a wholly-owned subsidiary, or is a partially-owned subsidiary of another company and all its other members, including those not otherwise entitled to vote, having been intimated in writing and for which the proof of delivery of such intimation is available with the company, do not object to the company not presenting consolidated financial statements;
Import of Unmanbed Aircraft System (UAS)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs)/drones is `Restricted’; it would require prior clearance of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and import licence from DGFT.
Where the trust-property consists of money and cannot be applied immediately or at an early date to the purposes of the trust, the trustee shall, subject to any direction contained in the instrument of trust, invest the money in any of the securities or class of securities expressly authorised by the instrument of trust or as specified by the Central Government
Seeks to further amend notification No. 27/2011-Customs, dated 01.03.2011 so as to provide exemption from export duty to Organic sugar up to 10,000 MT in a year beginning with October and ending with September subject to specified conditions. The exemption for the period ending with 30th September, 2016 shall be restricted to 2500 MT.
Handicrafts, other than the handicrafts falling under heading 7113 of the said Schedule to the said Act.
First clearances of the articles of jewellery or parts of articles of jewellery or both for home consumption, other than articles of silver jewellery but inclusive of articles of silver jewellery studded with diamond, ruby, emerald or sapphire, falling under chapter heading 7113 of the First Schedule upto an aggregate value not exceeding ten crore rupees made on or after the 1st day of April in any financial year, from the whole of the duty of excise specified thereon in the First Schedule :
Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts articles of jewellery manufactured,-(i) from jewellery provided by a retail customer; or (ii) by mounting of precious stones provided by a retail customer,
An article of jewellery or part of article of jewellery or both, produced or manufactured from an alloy (including a sintered mixture and an inter-metallic compound) containing precious metal may be treated as an article of jewellery or part of article of jewellery or both of a precious metal, if any one precious metal constitutes as much as 2% by weight of the article of jewellery or part of article of jewellery or both (excluding the weight of the precious or semi-precious stones, mounted or set), in accordance to the following :
With immediate effect, the table in respect of Sl. No. 50A inserted vide Notification No. 85(RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 26th June, 2014 relating to export of potato as amended vide Notification No. 112 (RE-2013)2009-2014 dated 20.02.2015, is substituted as follows: