In the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, in the Eighth Schedule, relating to amendment to the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003, in section 4, in clause (b), after the second proviso, the following provisos shall be inserted, namely:—
It is advised to identify the uncovered Beedi establishments as well as unenrolled employees, and ensure social security benefits to all the eligible and left out employees under the schemes of EPF & MP Act, 1952.
Cancellation of registration of animal market.If the District Animal Market Monitoring Committee, suo moto or on receipt of a complaint, comes to the conclusion that an animal market is functioning in contravention of these rules, it may direct the cancellation of registration of such market after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard.
When an animal has been seized under the provision of the Act or the rules made thereunder— (a) the authority seizing the animal shall ensure health inspection, identification and marking such animal, through the jurisdictional veterinary officer deployed at Government Veterinary Hospital of the area and marking may be done by ear tagging or by chipping or by any less irksome advance technology but marking by hot branding, cold branding and other injurious marking shall be prohibited;
(i) Time upto 30.04.2019 has been allowed to the Government of Andhra Pradesh to finalize the modalities and complete the process of export of a located quantity of Red Sanders wood.
In order to obtain tax benefits, a Startup should – i. be a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or a limited liability partnership (as defined under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) which is incorporated on or after the 1st day of April, 2016 but before the 1st day of April, 2019, and
Whereas the notification no. 09/2012-Cus dated the 9th March, 2012 of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue did not allow benefit of duty free import of cut and polished diamonds exported abroad for certification and grading, by authorised offices/ agencies in India of laboratories mentioned under para 4.74 of the Hand Book of Procedure;
A BILL further to amend the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, the Maharashtra Entertainments Duty Act, the Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act, the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Tax Act, the Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act, the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965, the Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1975 and the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002.
4. Sale of Aviation Turbine Fuel to the Civil Aviation Operators, who have opted to operate under Regional Connectivity Scheme — UDAN for the flights on RCS routes (involving Delhi) between an identified pair of origin and destination airports/helipad within India subject to applicability and fulfillment of all conditions of the Regional Connectivity Scheme -UDAN of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India.
Sale of Aviation Turbine Fuel to the Civil Aviation Operators, who have opted to operate under Regional Connectivity Scheme – UDAN for the flights on RCS routes (involving Delhi) between an identified pair of origin and destination airports/helipad within India subject to applicability and fulfillment of all conditions of the Regional Connectivity Scheme -UDAN of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India.