These rules may be called the Tribunal, Appellate Tribunal and other Authorities (Qualifications, Experience and other Conditions of Service of Members) Rules, 2017.
GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT : : : LEGISLATIVE BRANCH NOTIFICATION The 1st June, 2017 No. LGL.123/2017/11.– The following Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly which received the assent of the Governor on 24th May, 2017 is hereby published for general information. ASSAM ACT NO. XXVIII OF 2017 (Received the assent […]
The following categories of exports made from 1st April, 2005 to 19th February, 2006 shall not be counted for calculation of export performance or for computation of entitlement under the scheme -(i) export of imported goods covered under para 2.35 of the Foreign Trade Policy or exports made through transshipment;
Representations have been received for clarification on the issue as to whether a depositor should submit only one declaration in respect of the income each year before each person responsible for making the payment (Deductor) or Form 15G/15H has to be submitted each and every time the payment is due to be received from the deductor.
It is observed that a few Agency banks were submitting Annual Information Returns (AIR, now changed to SFT) in respect of Savings Bonds to Income Tax Authorities as well as to RBI.
Procedure for Acceptance of Statement of Financial Transactions from Sub-Registrar Office and Post Offices (SFT) as per section 285BA of Income-tax Act, 1961 read with Rule 114E of Income-tax Rules, 1962
It has been brought to the notice of CBDT that in cases of minors whose both the parents have deceased, TDS deductors/Banks are clubbing the interest income accrued to the minor in the hand of grandparents and issuing IDS certificates to the grandparents, which is not in accordance with the law as the Income-tax Act envisages clubbing of minor’s income with that of the parents only and not any other relative.
This Act may be called the Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax related laws (Amendments, Validation and Savings) Act, 2017. AMENDMENTS TO THE MUMBAI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ACT.
Central Governmentnotifies Ariyakudi Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Kottivakkam, Chennai,to be place of historic importance and a place of public worship of renown throughout the state of Tamil Nadu for the purposes section 80G.
No person is qualified to be appointed as the Presiding Officer- (a) of the Securities Appellate Tribunal established under the Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992), unless he is, or has been, a judge of Supreme Court or Chief Justice of High Court or a Judge of High Court for at least seven years;