Indian Potash Limited (IPL), Chennai has been delisted as a State Trading Enterprises for import of Urea by Amending Policy Conditions of Urea under Chapter 31 of the ITC (HS) 2017, Schedule- I (Import Policy).
RBI hereby issues Electronic Trading Platforms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2018 to the entities operating Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) to transact trade in eligible instruments.
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 5th October, 2018 S.O. 5160(E).—Whereas in exercise of the powers conferred by section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) read with rule 1 1G of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government constituted the National Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic […]
(1) This Act may be called the Rajasthan Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act, 2018. (2) Save as otherwise provided, the provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint:
Seeks to amend Notification No. 11/2017-Central Excise dated 30th June,2017 in order to reduce Central Excise duty rates on motor spirit (petrol) and High-speed diesel. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) Notification No. 21/2018-Central Excise New Delhi, the 4th October, 2018 G.S.R. 994(E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section […]
It is announced for general information that during the year 2018-2019, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8% (Eight percent) w.e.f. 1st October, 2018 to 31st December, 2018.
These regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Appointment of Administrator and Procedure for Refunding to the Investors) Regulations, 2018. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their notification in the Official Gazette.
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
These regulations may be called the Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018.
Time upto 30.04.2019 has been allowed to Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) and the State Governments of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu to finalize the modalities and complete the process of export of respective allocated quantities of Red Sanders wood.