Reserve Bank of India hereby issues the Draft Commercial Paper and Non-Convertible Debentures (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2020 to all the persons/agencies dealing in Commercial Papers and Non-Convertible Debentures as defined in these Directions.
Reserve Bank of India (hereinafter called the Reserve Bank) hereby issues the Draft Certificate of Deposit (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2020 to all entities / agencies eligible to deal in Certificate of Deposit.
Reserve Bank of India hereby issues Draft Call, Notice and Term Money Markets (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2020 to all entities / agencies eligible to deal in call, notice and term money markets.
Reserve Bank of India hereby issues Draft Reserve Bank of India (Market-makers in OTC Derivatives) Directions, 2020. These Directions shall apply to entities permitted to act as market-makers in OTC derivatives in terms of the governing Directions. **** Reserve Bank of India RBI releases Draft Reserve Bank of India (Market-makers in OTC Derivatives) Directions, 2020 […]
International Financial Services Centres Authority (Bullion Exchange) Regulations, 2020 inter alia cover the Bullion Exchange, Clearing Corporation, Depository and Vaults. The regulations are divided into the 16 chapters. First half of the regulation deals with the Exchange and Clearing Corporations while the second half pertains to the Vaults and Depositories and related provisions.
`Constitution Day’, while providing us an opportunity to express our gratitude to the architects of our Constitution, is also a day to seek inspiration from the spirit enshrined therein. The 71St Constitution Day of India was celebrated on 26.11.2020 by the Members of the Board by joining the telecast of the Hon’ble President of India in the reading of the preamble to the Constitution, as did the officers in the field.
Central Government hereby designates Special Courts in the States of Maharashtra, West Bengal (WB) and Tamil Nadu (TN) for the purposes of trial of offences under Companies Act, 2013, in respect of cases filed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 27th November, 2020 S.O. 4283(E).—In […]
In pursuance of the provision under Section 93 of Motor Vehicles Act,1988, this Ministry has issued the Motor Vehicle Aggregator Guidelines, 2020. A copy of the same is enclosed with this letter for perusal and further appropriate action. These guidelines will provide a guiding framework to the State Governments / UTs to consider for issuance of licenses as well as regulating the business being conducted by such Aggregators.
FINAL FINDINGS Case No. OI- 22/2019 Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of New pneumatic radial tyres of rubber for buses and lorries, with or without tubes and/or flaps originating or exported from Thailand.
FINAL FINDINGS Case No. SSR 02/2020- Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping duty imposed on imports of ‘Float Glass’ originating in or exported from China PR. The Authority notes that the investigation was initiated and notified to all interested parties and adequate opportunity was given to the Domestic Industry and other interested parties to provide information on the aspects of dumping, injury, likelihood of dumping and injury and the causal link.