The election of members to the Council under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Act shall be held by casting votes through postal ballot or voting by electronic means or both, as may be decided by the Council from time to time.
If the amount of compensation payable under sub-section (3) of section 77 is not paid by the employer within the period of thirty days, the employer shall pay, from the date on which the compensation become payable to the date on which it is paid, simple interest at the rate of twelve per cent. per annum or any other rate notified by the Central Government from time to time.
The export of Amphotericin-B injections falling under the ITCHS Codes specified above or falling under any other HS Code is restricted, with immediate effect.
File No. 31026/60/2020-Policy Government of India Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Department of Pharmaceuticals Operational guidelines for the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Pharmaceuticals Dated: 1st June, 2021 1. Objective The objective of the scheme is to enhance India’s manufacturing capabilities by increasing investment and production in the sector and contributing to product diversification […]
Central Government specifies the Nodal officers of the following State Police Agencies for the purposes of the said clause in connection with sharing of information through National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) platform
‘Factory or sugar factory’ means any premises including the precincts thereof in any part of which sugarcane is crushed and either sugar is manufactured by vacuum pan process or at its own option, ethanol is manufactured from sugarcane juice or sugar or sugar syrup or molasses, including B-Heavy molasses;‘;
Notification No. 06/2015-2020 Directorate of Revenue Intelligence has been allowed time upto 31.12.2021 to complete the process of export of allocated quantities of Red Sanders wood.
Central Government bars security officials from publishing info after retirement by notifying Central Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2020. MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel And Training) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st May, 2021 G.S.R. 360(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of […]
Customs Notification 32 dtd 31.05.2021 exempts IGST on imports of specified COVID-19 relief material subject to specified conditions read with Notification No. 27/2021 & 28/2021 upto 31.08.2021 MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st May, 2021 Notification No. 32/2021-Customs G.S.R. 355(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section […]
CBIC amend notification No. 28/2021-Customs to exempt customs duty on import of Amphotericin B (Black Fungus Medicine), and also to extend the exemptions under the said notification up to 31st August, 2021. Amendment is made in on lines of 43rd GST council meeting recommendations vide Notification No. 31/2021-Customs Dated: 31st May, 2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE […]