Central Government is pleased to appoint Shri G. S. Pannu, Vice-President of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, as President of the Tribunal in officiating capacity with effect from the forenoon of 6th September, 2021, till the regular President is appointed or until further orders, whichever is earlier.
The FSSAI has come up with the proposal bringing into action Food Safety and Standards (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2021. For that matter, the Authority has released a set of Draft Regulations in the Official Gazette, which is open for objections and suggestions by those persons who are likely to get affected by the same.
Case No. AD-MTR-11/2020 Termination of Mid-Term Review limited to change of name of producer/exporter from Korea RP in the anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Aluminium and Zinc coated flat products originating in or exported from China PR, Vietnam and Korea RP
The ports of Mumbai Sea Port (INBOM1), Tuticorin Sea Port (INTUT1), Vishakhapatnam Sea Port (INVTZ1) have been additionally included for allowing imports as under Notification no. 20/2015-20 dated 24th August 2021. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Department of Commerce) (DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 3rd September, 2021 Notification No. 23/2015-2020-DGFT Subject […]
Case No. ADD-AC – 06/2020Anti-circumvention investigation concerning circumvention of anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of Measuring Tapes originating in or exported from China PR by imports of Measuring Tapes originating in or exported from Singapore and Cambodia
Case No. ADD-OI-27/2020 Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Vitamin C originating in or exported from China PR. The anti-dumping duty is applicable to Vitamin-C in all its form, also known as ascorbic acid, L-Xyloascorbic Acid, 3-oxo L-Gulofuranolactone (enol form), L-3 Ketothreohexuronic Acid Lactone etc
Maharashtra Government notifies Draft Maharashtra Code on Wages Rules, 2021 -Inviting suggestions within 45 days on rules. Rules proposes supersession of Maharashtra Minimum Wages Rules, 1963 and the Maharashtra Payment of Wages Rules, 1963. By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra, S. M. SATHE, Joint Secretary to Government. INDUSTRIES, ENERGY AND […]
Vide Notification No. 100/2021-Income Tax | Dated: 2nd September, 2021 CBDT notifies Tax Exemption under section 10(46) to Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Panchkula in respect of the specified income for Financial Years 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) Notification No. 100/2021-Income Tax New […]
CBDT notifies new Rule 26D.Furnishing of declaration and evidence of claims by specified senior citizen under section 194P, Amended Rule 31 & 31A, Amended Form no. 12BBA, FORM NO. 16, FORM NO. 24Q, Form No.26QB, FORM NO. 26QC and Form No.26QD. Notification No. 99/2021 – (Income Tax) | 2nd September, 2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department […]
For the purpose of Section 194P CBDT notifies specified Bank to mean a banking company which is a scheduled bank and has been appointed as agents of Reserve Bank of India under section 45 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934). Notification No. 98/2021-Income-tax | Dated: 2nd September, 2021. MINISTRY OF […]