CBIC amends 3 electronics related notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2023, w.e.f. 01.05.2023 vide Notification No. 34/2023-Customs Dated: 29th April, 2023. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) New Delhi Notification No. 34/2023-Customs | Dated: 29th April, 2023 G.S.R. 331(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred […]
Ordered for removal of name of CA. Pradeep Kumar Manglik from Register of Members for a period of 3 (Three) months and also imposed a fine of Rs. 1,00,000
NFRA imposes penalty of Two Lakhs on CA Hemant Khator Swami who was Engagement Partner for the statutory audit of Women Next Loungeries Ltd for Financial Year 2016-17 for Audit failures and also debarred him for two years from being appointed as an auditor or internal auditor or from undertaking any audit in respect of […]
These rules may be called the Special Economic Zones (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Draft Regulations 1. (1) These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Regulations, 2023. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in official Gazette.
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Economic Affairs) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 27th April, 2023 G.S.R.330(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Government Savings Promotion Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme further to amend the National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme, 2019, namely:- 1. (1) […]
This Scheme may be called the Sukanya Samriddhi Account (Amendment) Scheme, 2023. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 2023.
National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) (Second Amendment) Scheme, 2023 shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st day of April, 2023.
National Savings Time Deposit (Second Amendment) Scheme, 2023 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 2023.
Scheme may be called the Senior Citizens’ Savings (Third Amendment) Scheme, 2023. It shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st day of April, 2023.